Changed by Fire (Phoenix Rising #6) - Harper Wylde Page 0,91

tint, which was evident even in the artificial light of the courtyard.

“You’re not outmatched, you just don’t want to actually listen,” Ciarán growled at me, though my eyes remained on Zenoah, my Puca suspicious of the frail female. She bobbed her head behind her in a subtle invitation.

“We’ll deal with this later,” I grumbled, waving a hand to forestall the argument I could tell he was preparing to spit at me. I didn’t want to hear it at the moment, and I’d been on my ass enough for one day.

“Careful,” Ciarán called after me as I strode away. Maybe it was my own emotions reflected back at him, or maybe I was spending too much time with my brother, but I thought I detected a hint of anger in his voice. “You keep this up, and people might realize we really are brothers.” I flipped him off, turning my focus to Zenoah as she led me toward the other side of the yard, away from where Gaspard still practiced.

“What?” I snapped at her, half in lingering frustration from Ciar and half from my lack of desire to have this conversation. My anger at Zenoah over what she’d done to me warring with my concern over seeing her so sickly. My Puca hissed madly in my head. He didn’t seem to be as morally concerned about the female as I was, he was simply pissed at her for having drained us for so long. He resented her for being one of the reasons there was a wedge between him and I, rather than us being a united entity like some of our brothers were with their creatures. My own feelings were a bit more convoluted. I was pissed at her but, to be fair, being pissed was about ninety percent of my personality. I’d never hurt a woman in my life, even when some of them deserved it—like that bitch Ahmya.

“I’m sorry to interrupt your training.” Even her voice had become reedy, as though the damage to her body was affecting her throat as well. “I just needed a few moments of your time.” She brushed her hair back, exposing the deep, shadowed bruising underneath her eyes.

“About what?”

The expression on her face made it clear she thought the answer was obvious. “Your dreams. The Council.”

I sighed, stretching my arms behind my head to help prevent my Puca from shooting sparks at her the way he was envisioning. My alter was more bloodthirsty than I was, which was quite an accomplishment if I really thought about it. Rabbits weren’t exactly known for being violent, or at least I didn’t think they were. Maybe that was a question for Nix. “What about them?” I questioned, trying to keep my tone patient.

“How have you been adjusting to having the dreams?”

I grimaced. This was a conversation I could have lived without. What was I supposed to say? ‘Yeah, it’s great to dream about death and destruction every night while you slowly wither away. Sorry about that, by the way.’

Zenoah studied me quietly, her dark eyes intense. “I wasn’t sure what the repercussions to your psyche would be to suddenly dream again after so long without it. I worried it may be… harmful to you in some way.”

“Are you asking for permission to eat my dreams again?” I prayed that wasn’t the case, because I’d have no idea what to say if that was true.

“No, Killian.” She threaded her fingers together, staring up at the sky. “I just wanted to check on you. I wanted to see if there was any way that I could help.”

I snorted. “Sure. Tell me all the Council’s weaknesses and find a way to restore my mate’s memories without them hurting her. Add in reversing time so that you never consumed my dreams and I wasn’t struggling to learn and control a power in the middle of a war.” The words flew from my lips, harsh and biting enough for me to wince. Apparently, I wasn’t doing well at controlling the bitterness. I rubbed the back of my neck as she eyed me. “Why are you really here, Zenoah? Why did you nearly kill yourself to find us?”

“I’m dying anyway,” she shrugged, but the movement was small. “But that’s not the reason so much as it’s the motivation. I told you. I’m here to help.”

“You think you can teach me to use my powers?”

“No. I consumed your dreams, I have no idea how to control them.”

“Then how?”

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