Changed by Fire (Phoenix Rising #6) - Harper Wylde Page 0,90

food source…” I trailed off, shaking my head. “Honestly, even if she did, I don’t know how long she would last. Some things even a shifter’s body can’t heal from.”

“When she’s healed, take her to the secure wing.” Damien reached up to ruffle his hair again as he thought. “I’m going to go tell Killian she’s here.”

I snorted. “Good luck with that.” Bunny boy probably wouldn’t react well--still torn on how to feel about the years of visions Zenoah had stolen from him while also feeling a sense of guilt over her eventual death. This was sure to put Kill into a glower. “Nix will want to know as well, as will the others,” I reminded Damien, making sure he reached out to them after breaking the news to Killian.

“I’ll make sure to tell our mate, though she’s a little busy with Hiro and Joshua at the moment.” Damien grumbled good-naturedly, surely wishing he could be up there with them, making Nix moan. Shit. I’d been so busy in the infinity that Nix, Hiro, and I hadn’t had much alone time together. The feeling of being replaceable rose up to choke me while Damien cleared his throat and reverted back to our conversation. “I’ll make sure to link Theo in though.”

I pushed another healing burst into the dream eater as Rune followed Damien from the room, swallowing down any emotions I had about Hiro sharing Nix with another one of my brothers. Just the three of them. I gritted my teeth and tamped down on the swirling green jealousy that tried to rise.

No. Now wasn’t the time for that, and I wouldn’t allow myself to get distracted. Zenoah needed my undivided attention. I had no intention of letting her die here today. Not if there was even the smallest possibility she was able to help Nix or my niece. Focusing, I pushed it all away and redoubled my efforts.

“Come on, Zenoah,” I encouraged her with a sigh. “Let’s see what kind of fighter you are.”



I wasn’t sure if I should be proud of my brother or pissed at him as he slid from my hands again, swirling into smoke before locking his arm around my throat and pressing a kiss to my cheek. Luckily, the practice yards were nearly empty, and only Gaspard was near enough to notice that the color in my cheeks was more from embarrassment than a strenuous workout.

“Got to be faster than that, brother dearest,” he taunted, pulling away before I could slam my elbow back into his stomach. The bastard moved like liquid around every punch I threw at him and disappeared if a blow nearly connected. It was enough to drive me as mad as him.

“Not all of us only rely on our powers to win a fight,” I grumbled under my breath, taking another swing at Ciar. He flipped backwards, staying just outside of my reach. I would never call myself graceful, but Ciar had a way of making me look like a newbie, and it was enough to make me want to scream.

Ciarán shook his head, putting on a disappointed pouty face. “You could hit me if you put some more effort into it,” Ciarán teased, his tone lilting. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes, but Ciarán must have seen something in my expression because he scowled. “You’re still convinced your Puca doesn’t know what he’s doing, aren’t you?” My Puca hissed in my head as ‘yes’ rolled through my mind.

“I see the future. Sort of. My powers aren’t offensive, and it’s not like I can fight in my bunny form,” I reminded Ciarán. “Can’t we just focus on sparring?”

“I’m sure all of our enemies will be happy to sit back and fight you honorably,” Ciarán remarked, widening his eyes. “I mean, you are the great Killian. Why shouldn’t they just fight with their fists?”

“You think I don’t know I’m outmatched?” I snarled at him, glancing around. Heat flared higher in my cheeks as I realized we’d gained at least one other audience member. Zenoah stood on the side of the yard, her dark eyes intent as she watched me. My Puca hissed at her, and part of me agreed, but I also couldn’t help but notice how gaunt she had become. When we’d last spoken, she’d been slender but healthy. Now, her clothing hung on her frame, and her dark hair was brittle and peppered with strands of gray despite her age. Her skin had taken on a yellow Copyright 2016 - 2024