Changed by Fire (Phoenix Rising #6) - Harper Wylde Page 0,178

have been shocked at hearing him address Ciarán in my head, but I had no room for surprise amongst the emotional agony that was tearing at me. Boy, you’re nearly as strong as my own grandson, and I’m proud to add you to my family. Teach them. They’ll need you now more than ever.

Tears filled his eyes as his waning gaze found mine, the blue cloudy rather than sharp like I was used to. Nix, thank you for being my granddaughter. I’m so proud of you. They’ll need your sweet heart and your strength. Remind them how loved they are and never let them forget. I’ll be watching over you, always. His azure eyes, so like Damien’s, caught his grandson’s, and tears dripped from the wrinkled corners, blazing wet trails down his weathered face. Damien, I couldn’t be prouder of you. You’re doing what I never had the strength to do myself. I’m glad I lived long enough to see you meet your mate. Keep practicing. Keep growing stronger. Damien’s anguish was silently pouring through all of us, his body too frozen to allow his grief to pass. A raging cry tore from Hiro’s throat while Joshua shook madly with sobs, and I knew that suffering was Damien’s, his pain finding physical release through others when his own body refused to comply with his mind. His eyes were simply shattered as he took in his grandfather’s broken form, his hands stroking mindlessly. Don’t let your hate over this consume you. You’ll destroy your mate and your friends if you do. Don’t let them turn you into what they are. You’re stronger than that. Gaspard reached for his grandson, clasping his hand. Lead them. Lead them all and fix what we broke so long ago.

“No, Grandpa,” I begged him, frantic. “You can’t die. I can’t lose you too. I can’t. I need you. We need you.” My Phoenix keened inside my head, her misery adding to my own.

He tried to sigh as more blood bubbled from his lips. My sweet girl, I’d stay if I could. Be strong.

“No. I forbid it,” I wept out, as Damien’s Gargoyle screeched desperately, his grieving, wailing cry building inside me. I felt Joshua wrap his arms around Damien, offering his own quiet support as his body shook with silent sobs. “I’ve been strong before. I need you too much.”

I’m so tired, Gaspard told me gently.

“No!” I screamed, horror slashing at my chest. I clawed at my arm, attempting to create a wound. “We’ll use my blood. It’ll be fine. I… I can heal you!”

“Nix.” Theo grasped my hands, preventing me from tearing my vein open. “You can’t. You lost too much blood during the battle. We don’t even know if it could potentially work,” he whispered. “He’s too injured. Even your Phoenix would take a long time to heal from the injuries Gaspard has sustained, and he… he doesn’t have the time.” His tone sounded broken from denying me what I wanted while my desperation and Damien’s grief warred through us all. A shaken sob tore past my lips, my tears scorching hot trails on my glacial skin. Forlornly, I looked back to Gaspard.

No, Granddaughter. A cry slipped free at the endearment. Even if it was possible, it isn’t what I want. I’ve filled my purpose here. I want to see my mate again. My son. His eyes tracked to Ryder’s, a gentle plea filling them. Help me rest? Ry gasped, shaking his head vehemently. Ryder, I’ll die either way. I’m just asking you to ease my path.

“Do it.” The haggard whisper sounded like breaking glass as it fell from Damien’s lips. Shock rolled through me as I turned my anguished eyes to him. His agony reflected back at me, feeding a terrible loop between us. He shifted his focus to Ryder, his words getting stronger. “Now, Ryder.”

“I-I can’t,” Ryder objected, as silent tremors racked him.

No matter, Gaspard reassured him softly, the embodiment of strength even while his body was in pieces. My pain will end in time.

“Don’t let him suffer,” Damien implored quietly, his murky gaze traveling over us.

Something rushed through me in a wave, and I gasped against the intrusion even as anguish stopped my heart, the organ crushed in a vise that might never cease. A knowing, a certainty whispered in my mind the same way my Phoenix did. He was suffering horribly, and it wasn’t going to change. I grasped Ryder’s hand with my own, and his magic responded to my Copyright 2016 - 2024