Changed by Fire (Phoenix Rising #6) - Harper Wylde Page 0,177

sever their souls from their bodies. He steadily made his way closer to Gaspard, cutting through the forces in an effort to reach him. Finally… finally they were getting the upper hand.

Gaspard was starting to weaken from controlling and cutting down so many minds, but I knew him. He’d never let the Council’s soldier hurt one hair on the little boy’s head. He turned, and the leering smile of the wolfish beast had my nails digging into my palms as I kept myself eerily still.

Gaspard held his palms up, and streams of magic left his fingers as he channeled his remaining energy, impaling the shifter. Gaspard’s power wrapped around his mind as the Gargoyle twisted it to his will. Aaron hit the ground when he was released and rolled, quickly running for the others while his mentor held the shifter in the palm of his hand without ever having touched him. The mercenary’s snarl echoed off the cold stone walls of the mountain side arena, and he fell to his knees, gripping his head as Gaspard moved forward one step at a time. I wanted to scream, to cry, to yell at him to end the shifter so he could turn in time to block the assault at his back. The shifter crumpled to the ground and stopped breathing, but it was too late. Gaspard’s agonizing roar rent the air as one of the beasts slashed into his wings, slicing them to ribbons like paper through a shredder. The wolfish mythological was the largest of his kind, and he kicked Gaspard to the ground, stepping between his wings as he laughed at Gaspard’s weak attempts to free himself. I could barely hold on as I felt his wings ripped from his body, leaving gaping, bleeding wounds.

Gaspard exhaled a gurgling breath as he skipped the rest, trying to save us from the graphic brutalization he’d been forced to endure.

I needed to wretch, to cry, to pound the shit out of something and rage about the unfairness of this world. Why Gaspard? I couldn’t… I just couldn’t lose him. He was my family.

“They were fenrir,” Ciarán rasped, his voice cracking. “They shift into monstrous wolves,” he explained, but there was no need, we’d already seen it all through Gaspard’s point of view. “I didn’t even know there were so many of them left. We killed the ones who remained, though one got away. I… I wanted to get to him,” he offered faintly, softly rubbing his cheek against Gaspard’s head.

I sobbed madly now, stroking a hand gently over Gaspard’s face. “You’re so strong,” I whispered to him. “You’re stronger than all of us. You just have to hold on a little longer. We’ll help you. Ry will be able to heal you soon,” I insisted. I could feel the shock, pain, and horror of my mates, their emotions echoing my desperation as it poured through the bond.

Nix, Gaspard interjected. Even your mate couldn’t heal what they did. It’s why they did it. I heard his breath rattle as his eyes slid to Ryder. Ryder, don’t blame yourself for my death. I protected the young ones. It’s what I wanted. Don’t fear your duality. It’s not evil residing inside you, merely another aspect of your strength. He looked to Theo next, giving a mental pull that had Theo kneeling at his side. Your mind is as much of an asset as your physical strength. Don’t forget to use it. His eyes searched for Killian, my own helpless to look away. Recognizing he was needed, Killian joined us, gently handed Emy to Li Min, and approached us, keeping the children shrouded in a happy illusion and blocking the gore from their gazes. His arms came around both Damien and me as he knelt at Gaspard’s side, supporting us both. Puca, trust yourself and embrace your gifts. They are not weaknesses, but strengths. Remember you’re stronger as a whole than as a half.

I couldn’t gather air into my lungs as I continued to stroke his face, the salt from my tears filling my mouth as I gasped.

Hiro, don’t lose the kindness inside you. Your gentleness is needed just as much as your strength and fortitude. Joshua, you’ve shown them that they don’t have to fear those who are powerful, and that formidable powers are not always used for evil. Don’t let them forget it. Our creatures don’t define our natures, our souls do. Ciarán. If I had been more logical at the moment, I would Copyright 2016 - 2024