Changed by Fire (Phoenix Rising #6) - Harper Wylde Page 0,148

finally decided to try what Gaspard had proposed to see what it was like when he pulled the pain from a memory. It was why Damien had come with me to seek his grandfather out.

Damien watched me carefully as he knocked on Gaspard’s door. Gaspard’s eyes rose when he took me in beside Damien, my nerves clear in the way I was twitching and fiddling. “My goodness. This is a surprise.” He glanced carefully between us. “Are you announcing news, Nix?” His words were gentle, almost humorous, and I barked out a laugh when I realized he was asking if I was pregnant. God, that was one thing I did not need to worry about right now.

“Grandpa,” Damien muttered, horrified. I was grateful for the joke though. It got me out of my head.

“I’d invite you in, my dears, but…” Gaspard shrugged, and I peeked around him, expecting to see him with a companion. Anger raced through me when I realized his real reason. While I had expected a small room, we were limited in our space, after all, I hadn’t expected a closet. That was clearly what the room had been before a bed roll had been spread on the floor. Shelving still lined the walls, and it was clear Gaspard was using it as dresser space with his clothing neatly folded amongst a few stray cleaning supplies.

“No way.” I shook my head, my hands balling into fists, my own pain forgotten. “This is so not happening.” I knew space was tight, but this was insane. The hotel we had been using wasn’t sprawling, not like the hotels I’d experienced in Florida, but this was indecent. The space had been full as refugees came through for mind searches, hybrids visited seeking healers, and as new potential soldiers joined us to see if they’d wash out under the stress or become part of our army. Many of those groups, however, had been moved on to other locations across the state or, in the case of the refugees, across the continent once they had been cleared, approved, and safe transportation had been arranged. There was absolutely no reason that Gaspard should be relegated to a closet when my mates and I were living in a beautiful cabin together. He could have at least gotten our old room.

“I don’t mind, child,” Gaspard assured me, but I just glared, my hands on my hips.

“Well, I’m leader of Faction Opal, and I’m saying this isn’t happening,” I told him, arching a brow. “I don’t understand people not wanting to room with you. You’re one of the nicest people I have ever met. But even if they don’t want to room with you, there’s better space than this. You’re not going to be relegated to a closet.” I spat the word. “Grab your stuff. Now.” I wasn’t sure where the command came from, especially to Gaspard of all people. Maybe I’d regret it later, but at the moment, with fury riding me, I was happy to take charge.

“Why don’t you tell me why you’re here?” Gaspard suggested, avoiding my order.

“I don’t feel like telling you a private matter in the hall,” I retorted, deflating slightly as my nerves snuck back in. “I’d planned on speaking privately.”

Gaspard chuckled. “Well, then I guess we’d better go somewhere private.” I nodded sharply, turning to stride away.

“Ciarán!” I yelled, knowing he was vain as could be and always listening in one way or another. “Get your ass over here.”

He snapped into view with a flourish and a bow. “Why, what in the world could have prompted this?” If I hadn’t known the man well, I might have missed the bruising under his eyes, and the slightly more pronounced way his bones stood out in his face. Was he losing weight? I bit my tongue, forcing myself to focus.

“Gaspard needs a room. An actual room.” I glared at the man, and he shrugged.

“Your complaint is with Gaspard, I’m afraid. I’ve offered him a room of his own for quite some time.” A wicked glint flickered in his eyes as he added, “I even tempted him with your welcome suite.” A blush stained my cheeks at the memory of the night I’d spent with Joshua inside those walls. “Each time, however, he has refused me.”

I turned my glare on the older male who seemed equal parts surprised and amused by my reaction. “You are not doing this,” I warned him, raising a finger. “You think I don’t know when someone is Copyright 2016 - 2024