Change My Mind - Ali Parker Page 0,17

with me and Chase.”

“It will be okay. It will be a chance for the two of us to work together again. Remember when we used to babysit the Carter twins?”

I groaned. “Those boys were wild.”

“We used to have so much fun with them though. You’d make the mac and cheese while I wrangled kids. Then we’d switch.”

“I remember going home and collapsing.”

“They did wipe everyone out, including their parents, which was why they hired us. You know there is no way they had all those late work meetings. They just didn’t want to be at home with those little monsters.”

“They almost turned me off from wanting kids of my own.”

“Almost? You are still on that, huh?”

“You mean the ‘have a family’ thing?”

“Yes, that.”

She grinned. “I am. I’m still looking for my husband. He seems to be missing in action.”

“You always said you had to kiss a lot of frogs.”

“I’ve certainly been doing that.”

I mulled over everything she had said. I did need a job. It would be nice to have a good job for at least the next month. That would cover my rent and allow me to have a nice Christmas before I had to start the hunt for a new job.

“I’ll do it, but I have one condition,” I said.

She clapped her hands together. “What is it?”

“I would like to bring my art consultant. She’s the reason those displays looked so good. She’s creative and a great worker.”

“I’m sure that would be fine. The more the merrier. This resort is important to Chase, to the whole family. I know he will be willing to do whatever it takes to get you on board.”

I smiled, hoping I could handle being near him. “I’ll need to talk to her but I’m sure she would love to come on board.”

“It’s going to be great. I know you are going to love it.”

“And Chase?”

“What about him?”

“He wants this?”

“He does. He’s very serious about making this resort a huge success.”

In the back of my mind, I was thinking that sounded just like Chase. He’d be willing to do just about anything to prove to his father he was good at his job. Chase was always trying to impress his father. I couldn’t let that, or our history, get in the way of things. After all, it wasn’t like I was going to get another job offer anytime soon. Bob would probably have me black-balled. I’d have to move to find another job.

“All right, then I guess we are working together again.”

“This is going to be so awesome. Chase is going to be thrilled.”

“I hope so.”

“When can you start?”

I shrugged. “My schedule is pretty clear. The opening is the thirteenth?”


“What does the current marketing manager have to say about someone coming in and stepping all over their toes?”

“He doesn’t really have a marketing manager. There is a firm that does the ads and brochures and stuff, but this is different. This resort needs to be special. He doesn’t want anything basic. He wants it to be different and fresh and appealing to families.”

I was already coming up with ideas. I did love a new project. I loved the planning and the ideas. I couldn’t wait to talk to Parker. “I’ll need to see the space right away.”


“And I’ll need specs and budgets and current ads to make sure there is no contradicting information.”

“There isn’t a budget. Chase’s words, and I’m quoting, ‘give her carte blanche’.”

That didn’t surprise me. Chase did like to show off. “That’s a vague, slightly dangerous offer.”

“I’m telling you, this is his pet project. This is his time to shine. The other places he took over and worked with what my dad built. This one is all Chase. This is his baby.”

I debated backing out. I didn’t think I wanted to get involved with his pet project. It made it all very personal. Chase and I needed to keep our distance. Then again, it wasn’t like I would be working alongside him. I would do my job, I would impress him, and then I would quit and never see him again.

I could do that. It would essentially save Christmas for me. I supposed I should be grateful and happy for the job, no matter who it meant I had to work with—or under.

Chapter 8


I was actually nervous for the day. It was the day Harper was coming up. I still couldn’t believe Cori got her to come on board. I thought for sure she would have rejected the idea. When Cori Copyright 2016 - 2024