Change My Mind - Ali Parker Page 0,16

back to work, right?”

We both burst into laughter.

I nodded. “Works for me.”

A few minutes later, we were drinking some cinnamon and nutmeg drink that had a little kick to it, but it warmed all the way down.

“Tell me what happened,” Cori said.

“There is a Santa strike and I refused to hire a scab.”

She looked at me, blinking several times. “Um, a what?”

“The Santas have formed a union. Technically, they formed it years ago. Banners and some of the other major department stores and festivals use the Santas for the holidays. The Santas are all trained and have background checks. It makes things easier from a business perspective. This year, the Santas asked for two dollars more an hour and some perks, like discounts at the stores they worked at or some kind of incentive for working extra hours and stuff like that. Bob Banner and his crony friends decided they didn’t want to pay a fair wage. They refused. The Santas went on strike, and now you will not see any of the good Santas in Boulder.”

“Oh my god,” she said with a laugh. “I feel like I have stepped into another dimension.”

“Oh, it’s very real. These guys got organized. I don’t see why it would hurt to pay them a little more. They are better than any of the other average Santas out there. When Bob told me to hire a scab, I told him I wouldn’t do it. He fired me.”

She shook her head. “I’m so confused. I cannot believe this is a thing. I definitely can’t believe the guy fired you over something you had no control over. Isn’t it his fault for not paying the wage?”

“I think so, but he’s the boss, and that’s that. I’m now out of a job.”

She was grinning. I just told her my life imploded and she was smiling. “Really?” she said, dragging out the word.

“Why are you smiling?”

“Because I’m proud of you for standing up for what you believe is right. That is pretty impressive and so much like the girl I knew forever go. I’m glad you haven’t changed.”

“I don’t know how impressive it is since I’m now out of a job.”

“This is very fortuitous.”

She must have forgotten I wasn’t rich. I wasn’t from a rich family. Being out of a job was very not fortuitous. “I’m glad you think so.”

“Oh, you’ll think so as well.”

It all added up. Chase just happened to run into me at work, and then out of the blue, Cori calls me. They were up to something. It was that twin energy. They could plan and plot without blinking an eye or even speaking real words. They were pulling me into one of their new schemes.

“Does this have anything to do with the new resort Chase is opening?”

“Actually, it does.”

I sighed, a little disappointed there was an ulterior motive to her wanting to meet with me. I really thought it was going to be two old friends catching up. “Just tell me. Let’s get it over with. I’m going to need another drink.”

“This is a good thing, I promise. It will get you some exposure. Add to your resume.”

“What will add to my resume?”

“He needs someone to help with the grand opening.”

“When is that?”

“The thirteenth.”

My eyes widened. “The thirteenth! Way to wait until the last minute.”

“I agree, but the resort is going to attract some pretty big names. This could be a great way for you to get your work seen. You do marketing, right? Chase said he saw the displays and they were really good. That’s what he needs for the place. Something really snazzy. Something different that will stand out in a crowd.”

“Is that what he was doing?”

She laughed. “He was looking for inspiration. He wandered into the store and was taken by the beautiful displays he saw. I’m trying to convince him we could do a pop-up shop with ornaments and baubles all with the resort name on them. It is like free advertisement.”

“Free advertisement for what?”



“Come work with us,” she said. “Him mostly but the family too. You come, do your thing, and if you like it, you stay on. If you hate it, you can look for another job. I guarantee Chase will pay you well—very well. You can save the money and take your time looking for a new job. You won’t have to take anything that comes your way.”

“I don’t know,” I said. “This could only end badly.”


“Because we are old friends and you know the history Copyright 2016 - 2024