Change of Heart - By S.E. Edwards Page 0,44

him tight. Even though he doesn’t really reciprocate, I find an unexpected bit of jealousy building in my gut. I try to ignore it.

Using both hands, Rich gently eases the girl off. When he sets her down, she smiles widely, revealing a row of stunning white teeth. How is it fair that somebody can look so flawless?

“Richard!” she exclaims. Even her voice is perfect—high and clear like the notes of a magnificent harp. “You look exactly the same as the last time I saw you.” She puts a finger to pursed lips. “That’s a compliment, you know.”

Rich chuckles. “Thanks.” He reaches out to touch her braid. “Your hair’s longer.”

The girl beams like it’s the greatest compliment in the world. “I haven’t cut it since we broke up.”

My breath catches in my throat. Rich had never said we’d be staying with his ex!

I must have made a sound, because the girl cuts off and turns her attention to me. The smile is wiped off her face as if it had never been there. “Richard,” she intones, low and threatening. “Who is that?”

I can feel the hostility radiate from her. The retriever at her feet must have picked up on his owner’s mood, because he starts to growl. Uncomfortable, I take a small step toward Rich.

“Amanda,” Rich says in what I imagine is his most conciliatory tone, “this is Penelope. Penelope, Amanda.”

“Hi,” I say. Not wanting to make a bad first impression, I force myself to smile and hold out my hand. The girl in the doorway stares at it as if it’s dripping with raw sewage. I let it fall to my side.

“Richard,” the girl says, not once taking her eyes off me, “you didn’t mention you’d be bringing one of your whores.”

Anger jolts through me. I take an aggressive step forward. By the crooked smile on Amanda’s face, that’s exactly the reaction she was going for. The retriever moves closer and bares its teeth, its growl becoming more menacing.

Before I can do anything stupid, Rich steps between the two of us. “Hey, hey now,” he says, raising his arms to separate us. “Let’s not get off on the wrong foot here. Amanda—” he glances at her, “—call off your dog.” Amanda sniffs and stares daggers at Rich. He stares back at her. I’m seething at the side, trying hard to bite down my tongue.

Finally, she grimaces and looks down at her dog. “Fine.” She motions with one hand. “Down.”

The retriever obeys, settling on its haunches. A little bit of tension seeps away. Amanda crosses her arms, looking like a petulant child. “Who is she, Richard?”

“A friend.” Rich stresses the word. “No more. And, I assure you, quite harmless.”

“Hey!” I protest, stepping around Rich. He bars my way with an outstretched arm. His hand lands right on my chest. My eyes widen for a moment, then narrow. I glare at his hand, then at him, waiting.

“Oh,” he says, as if he didn’t realize what he’d done. “Sorry.” Yet he takes his sweet time taking his hand away from my breasts! “She can be a little feisty, though,” he confides in Amanda.

Amanda’s arms are still crossed, but at least she’s not looking at me as if she’d just caught me sleeping with her fiancé. “I can appreciate that,” she admits grudgingly.

Rich relaxes. “There, see? You two are on the fast track to becoming friends.” He grins at Amanda, then at me, as if nothing is wrong. “Now, are you going to invite us in? Or are we going to stand on your doorstep all night?”

Amanda shakes her head in disbelief, and then mutters something that sounds a lot like, “Presumptuous bastard.” But, she steps aside. “Come on in,” she announces with mock sincerity.

Rich takes her up on the offer straight away. When I don’t follow, he looks back and waves me in. “Come on.”

I don’t move. “You heard what she called me. I’m not coming in there before I get an apology.”

Our hostess is wearing a fake, heavy smile on her lips. “I don’t normally take in strays,” she tells me with perfect sincerity. “Even if they do arrive with welcome company.”

“Bitch!” I cry out. Again, Rich moves fast as a flash of lightning. He has me by the shoulders and is pushing me to the side of the house before I can blink.

When we’re out of earshot of Amanda, he scowls. “Penny,” he tells me, “you need to behave.”

I sputter, aghast. “Me? You heard what she called me!”

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