Change of Heart - By S.E. Edwards Page 0,43

we hatch our plan.”

“The one that you involved me in,” I say flatly.

Rich grunts. “Right. Tam and Victor work for those same people my father pissed off. Of course, they know about me. But they also know of the circumstances that had me leave New York. They know that I’m useless as collateral against my father. They know we don’t talk to each other. Min, on the other hand…”

Rich takes a drink before continuing. “Tam and Victor showed up at my door a few days after Min arrived. They were looking for her. They didn’t know she’d come to me yet.

“They offered me a deal. They assumed—and here’s where they went wrong—that since I left my family so long ago, I don’t care about any of them. They said if I could get my sister to confide in me—or better yet, if I could gain her trust and then give her to them—they’d reward me. They offered a lot of money.”

Rich scoffs. “As if I ever had any desire for more of that. Tam said I should expect Min to find me soon. They knew she’d been travelling across the country, but haven’t been able to pinpoint her location. To keep her safe, I agreed with them. That’s when things really took off.”

“So you planned with your sister to find someone who looks like her, and to pawn that poor girl off to Tam and Victor?” I ask. “All the while buying Min more time to hide. Am I right?”

“That’s the gist of it.” Rich pauses. “I’m surprised you’re taking all of this so calmly.”

“Well, the worst has passed. And like I told you, I’ve been through a lot in my life.”

Rich shakes his head. “I doubt you’ve ever been through anything like this.” His voice becomes solemn. “And you’re wrong. The worst hasn’t passed. In fact, it’s only just begun.”

“So where is she?” I ask. “Your sister, I mean.”

Rich looks up and holds my gaze. The corner of his mouth twitches up in a half-smile. “Hiding.”

Chapter Eight

It’s dark by the time Rich pulls up in front of a large villa standing alone on an enormous stretch of land. We had to take the main road through town to get here, but that had been a good fifteen minutes ago. The most prominent landmarks in the so-called “city” had been two grocery stores, a department store, and a library doubling as City Hall. Each could have fit on a lot half the size of the one in front of me.

“Does your friend know we’re coming?” I ask as I step out of the truck. “All the lights are off.”

“She knows.” Rich swings his door shut. The sound prompts a dog from nearby to start barking. “There are a lot of rooms in there. She’s probably somewhere in the back.”

“If she’s in at all,” I mutter, following Rich along the pebbled path to the front door. I realize that the barking is coming from inside the house.

Rich looks for a doorbell, and, finding none, bangs on the door with his fist. Right away, I hear the scrambling run of paws on hardwood. A second later, a resounding thump sounds as something collides with the door, followed by more, louder barking.

“She has a dog?” I ask Rich.

“I guess.” Rich shrugs, then sticks his hands in his pockets and starts rocking on the balls of his feet. For the first time since I’ve met him, he actually looks a little… uncertain.

“Rich?” I ask. “Is everything okay?”

“Yeah.” He grunts. “It should be. I just didn’t mention that’s I’d be—” he looks me up and down, “—bringing a friend. You being here wasn’t part of the original plan.”

“Is that a problem?”

“No. But I should mention, this girl has a tendency to be—how can I put this—possessive.”

“Over what?”

“Well,” Rich lowers his voice, “me, for instance—”

Without warning the barking cuts off and the door swings open. A tall, slender figure appears in the doorway.

Tall compared to me, at least. If she were in heels, she’d still only reach up to Rich’s nose. She has dark, tanned skin, and slightly-tilted, bright green eyes. They look stunning above her elegant cheekbones. Her hair is the same shade as mine, but much longer, and straight. She wears it in an elaborate braid that flows down to her hips. A few solitary strands are cut shorter and fall around her cheeks, framing her face.

Her eyes light up when she sees Rich. She jumps to wrap both arms around him and holds Copyright 2016 - 2024