Chance Encounter - Jerry Cole Page 0,31

away, leaning down to kiss his back.

We curled together sleepily, cuddling close. “Tonight was fun, apart from that.”

“You mean what we just did? I’m wounded,” I chuckled as he turned his head for a kiss. “That is over. You are all that matters to me from now on.”

“That’s funny. I feel the same way.” We went to sleep, sleeping late into the following morning. Mari called to ask if we wanted to go to lunch since she stayed away from the strawberry wine the previous night. Nobody out of the four of us drank heavily, so we agreed it was a good idea.

Gray looked hot in a black beanie as we walked to the door. The weather was overcast today, and we were all dressed for it. “How do you feel about last night?” Becca asked once we were seated at the hotel restaurant. Mari wanted to try it since she felt so bad the last time we were here.

“I think he’s got some issues that he needs to fix. I don’t want him back, and I never will.” I sipped my coffee, gazing at Gray. “I hope he’s learned his lesson, but we’re going to fight him every step of the way.”

“I hate him for doing that. What if nobody was there and the entire building burned down, or someone got hurt?” Mari’s eyes flashed as she slammed the coffee cup to the floor, making a few diners jump. “Sorry.”

“He wouldn’t have gotten inside. Someone let him through thinking he was a party guest,” I told her as I covered her hand with mine. “It’s okay. We’re safe now.”

“I hope so.” Becca sighed, reaching for her coffee as she gave her girlfriend a look.

“We’ve got this. I am not taking any chances with Gram in particular.” Gray looked serious for a moment. “I’m going to get a hold of the landlord and ask for better cameras, just in case.”

The waitress set down our food as we paused in conversation. We looked over our brunch platters, smiling as we dug in.

Gram was home when we arrived back at the apartment. She hadn’t seen ours, but we decided to tell her there was an accident with one of the guests. It turned out to be very little damage, so I thought she’d take it okay. I’d never tell her truth. We’d work behind the scenes.

Jackson and Amy left a couple of days later, promising us that they’d look into tying up some loose ends. We didn’t mention anything to Gram about the move, not wanting to get her hopes up. Either way, they were planning to have their wedding in the Washington area. We took them to the airport, hugging them goodbye before driving home. I think we all felt the void that filled the building when they left.

The new year moved forward with all of us working. I tried out for more plays, getting a lead role in the Spring one. Sing Street sounded like something fun for the season, and I was thrilled with the role. It required more hours at the theater, but Gray supported me. He kept his regular clients to stay steadily busy but didn’t take more. We were doing fine financially thanks to a small inheritance he received a few years ago, as long as we kept working.

Mari started painting after a long break as well as working long hours managing the gallery, while Becca still worked with me at the theater. We spent a few hours a week, eating in or going to restaurants. We tried to do breakfast or brunch on the weekends if we had time as well as Sunday dinner.

Life was busy but good. I felt like I was getting closer to Gray as well as my little family. I thought we were all settling into a routine, but that wasn’t how life worked.

Chapter Thirteen


I was working one night when Becca and Hayden were working at the theater. I was sitting at my desk, editing a podcast as I cut out the sounds they didn’t need in the final download. I noticed my phone lighting up, glazing at the screen to see that it was Mari trying to get a hold of me.

I paused the podcast, answering the phone. “You okay. Mari?”

“I just got a call, Gray. I didn’t want to call Becca at work, but it’s big.” She sounded like she was in shock, making me sit up straight.

“Do you need me to come upstairs?” I was already standing, and Copyright 2016 - 2024