Chance Encounter - Jerry Cole Page 0,30

the night of the party all too quickly, and we cleaned and prepped all day. By the time guests started to arrive at eight, both apartments were stocked and lit to suit the mood with string lights. We decided to keep the main door closed, and that we’d let people in or the guests would. There would be enough traffic between the apartments that it shouldn’t be a problem.

Music played from upstairs, filling the entire building at the volume, as well as the use of blue tooth speakers placed outside of the homes. People mingled together, drinking and eating as they toured both apartments. It was a great turn out, and Gray and I moved between apartments as needed.

When we were upstairs chatting with some theater friends, someone screamed downstairs. I looked at Gray, and we both ran down to the door slamming closed as chaos erupted inside of our apartment. He headed outside, and I walked into my apartment to smell smoke and see people gathered in the kitchen. “What the fuck happened?” I called out as friends looked over.

“Some guy came in and set a fire at the stove,” someone told me as I walked over to survey the damage. The wall was black but the damage was mild, thanks to the party goers in my apartment. I thanked them and headed out front to see Gray and some others leading someone up the walkway. ‘That’s him.”

It was Ryan they dragged into the building. I stared at him as he scowled at the ground. “Why are you still doing this?” I asked as someone called the police.

“I wanted this with you.” He muttered as I leaned in closer. “I should have this with you.”

“You had your chance and blew it. You know as well as I do that we were never happy,” I reminded him as Ryan met my gaze. “You did set fire to my old place, right?”

“There’s no proof.” He looked away, and I sighed.

“Just fucking leave it alone. We’re pressing charges for tonight, but leave us alone from now on. This is about a lot more than anything you’ve created between you and me. I’ve moved on.” I shrugged, and he stared at me.

The police arrived and took him in, but warned us that he wouldn’t get a lot of time. We pushed forward with a restraining order for the sake of Gram and the building. Ryan was on the radar now with the alleged fire at the apartment and now this.

The party seemed to get serious after that, but we managed to bring it back to life by midnight. Everyone counted down all over the building, cheering and embracing when the clock struck midnight.

It wasn’t until well after two that we all locked up for the night. Gray led the way to bed, scowling as he let his hair fall from the knot on the top of his head. “Do you think that asshole is going to be a problem?”

“I think after tonight, we’ll be fine. The police were involved, though I’m shocked it got to that.” I scrubbed a hand through my hair as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

“He wants you back, Hay. Just in a psychotic way. I won’t let anyone hurt you.” He leaned in to kiss me, pulling me closer as I slipped my arms around his neck. I felt sober as I stopped drinking once Ryan was taken away by the police, but I felt drunk on Gray’s kiss. “I love you. I am so happy to bring this year in with you, Hay.”

“I love you.” We stripped quickly, dropping to the bed as his mouth began making a hungry trail down my neck and chest. I arched my back as he gripped me in his hand, causing me to leak with desire. He stroked me a few times before wrapping his lips around my cock, sucking hard and slow. “Gray. Feels so good,” I moaned, gripping his tousled hair. He sucked me until I filled his throat, jerking forward as I closed my eyes. “Fuck. I love you.”

We rested for a few minutes before I returned the favor, fucking him once he’d cum in my throat. I loved the feeling of him wrapped around me, tight and willing as he rocked against me. I came hard, filling him as he dropped his face in the pillows. I knew that I’d never want another man. I could barely remember ever being with anyone else as I pulled Copyright 2016 - 2024