The Champion's Ruin - Kristen Banet Page 0,42

holding the hilt of his morok, a sign he was ready for anything. The king crossed his arms, looking over her head at the male who had approached her. Rainev was the one who walked up to her and took her elbow, gently pulling her back to the king’s side.

“Forgive me, sire,” the male said, bowing low.

King Alchan said nothing, turning away. Rainev made her walk with them as they left.

“Nevyn and Varon told us they saw you wandering off,” Rainev explained, his mouth a thin, tight line. “You weren’t paying attention to where you were going, were you?”

“No, I wasn’t,” she whispered.

“You should. Not everyone in this village is…safe,” Rainev said, sighing heavily. “That area of the village is where most of the former gladiators live. They haven’t had female company in…centuries, so we’re slowly reintegrating them. We can’t just let them roam free because there are a lot of females who wouldn’t be able to deal with violent warriors in their space.”

“Everyone is still trying to heal,” King Alchan added. “And the safety of the more vulnerable ones takes priority over the wants of the warriors. You walking in there…”

“I don’t think they would have done anything,” Rainev said gently. “But it’s very tense right now. They don’t like Mave, and she doesn’t like them. They see her as the reason they aren’t able to have more normal lives, where they can try to find wives or even lovers. Just keep an eye—”

“Why did you leave without telling us?” the king asked, stopping as they found themselves in a wooded area with no listening ears. “Rain would have taken you where you wanted to go.”

“I just wanted to walk,” she said softly, unsure of how to handle the situation. There wasn’t just one Andinna trying to berate her for her lack of thinking. There were two, and one of them happened to rule their people.

“Did you leave before we woke up?” Alchan asked, the demand for an answer clear in his tone.

“No,” she said in a squeak.

“Then why—”

“We were fucking in the kitchen while making breakfast,” Rainev snapped at his lover. “Damn the Skies, Alchan, don’t make her say it. Nevyn and Varon walked in on us, too. She isn’t going to step in and interrupt, and she shouldn’t have to sit around and do nothing while we finish. We told her she could do as she pleased. All I want is for her to know where she’s going.”

There was silence as everyone contended with how Rainev had just snapped at the king.

Her face heated as a blazing inferno of embarrassment flooded her body and mind. Her heart wanted to stop. She wanted to run. Instead, she stood there with her head down, staring at the dirt and the three pairs of feet.

“My apologies,” King Alchan finally said softly. “I’m going to the war room to start my work for the day. Seanev leaves tomorrow, and he wanted a meeting today.” He jumped into the air, leaving them in a small cloud of dust from the trail.

Lilliana didn’t move as Rainev waved a hand around, growling.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered as the dust cleared.

“Nothing for you to be sorry for,” Rainev said, shaking his head. “This is just a learning experience for all of us, and we just need to deal with it.”

“I…” Lilliana trailed off, unable to find what she wanted to say to him.

Rainev watched her, then took her hand, holding it like it was fragile and precious to him.

“Why are you so scared to speak your mind?” he asked kindly.

“I’m an ahren,” she said, thinking it was obvious.

“Being submissive is not the same as being afraid. Even the most submissive Andinna are allowed to voice their feelings. If anything, it’s more important we do because if we don’t…we could be the ones who get hurt.”

“I…have only ever been locked away. I’ve never been allowed to speak my mind to anyone who makes decisions. I’ve…always been told I can’t, that I was too submissive to think of anything that might be useful.”

“Skies damn it,” Rainev growled, looking away. “If Alchan realizes, he’ll kill her.” When he looked back, he smiled. “Come with me. We’re going to spend the day together while Alchan sits in meetings.”

“You aren’t going to explain that part about the king killing someone?” Lilliana felt the need to point that little thing out.

“Do you care if he kills Leria?” Rainev asked, frowning at her. “Don’t worry about it. We’re going to have some fun Copyright 2016 - 2024