The Champion's Ruin - Kristen Banet Page 0,41

no one. No one, okay? Don’t even think it. The fact you know…”

Varon stepped up to his lover’s side and touched his shoulder. Nevyn looked at Varon slowly, nodding once he saw his lover’s expression, then removed his hand. That hand grabbed Varon’s.

“Does the priesthood still speak of me?” Nevyn asked, his eyes going unfocused.

She looked at Varon, seeing his eyes were clear and on her. Nevyn was speaking for him.

“Yes, but I’m not supposed to know. I’m not part of the priesthood,” she whispered. “How are you doing this?”

“We’ve been blood bonded for three thousand years. We’ve developed ways to do things many would never consider because they have no need.” Nevyn’s voice carried the calm nature Lilliana always heard Varon had. He had been one of the best priests ever known. Only females could rise to the top positions, but when he had been in the priesthood, many wanted to change that rule just for him. Then he met Nevyn, and those plans were thrown out the window.

“Why don’t they know?” she dared to ask. “You’re—”

“Because I’ve never wanted them to know. It was never necessary. They needed a priest, someone to help guide them in the ways of our dragon gods. I could do that without them knowing the full truth.”

She saw the wisdom of it. How could she not? He had kept this secret from the public for nearly three thousand years and convinced the priesthood of Amonora to safeguard it as well.

“Do you have any advice for me?” she asked, dropping her eyes.

A simple touch made her tense, but Varon’s fingers were feather-light and careful. He lifted her chin and made her look at him once more.

“Not yet,” he answered, using Nevyn’s voice. “I can’t see the future, and I think enough meddling has been done in your life. Maybe it’s time for you to claim what is rightfully yours.” He leaned in, but it was still Nevyn talking. “Will you keep this little talk a secret?”

“I will.” She would never expose someone’s secrets. That was cruel.

“Thank you. You see, I’m trying to wait until the time is right. Things have been happening, and I’ve been watching them closely, trying to understand. I have to be able to watch and listen, and I can’t do that if they know.”

“I understand.” Not really, but he’s Varon, and I’m Lilliana, so I’ll do whatever he needs.

Varon let go of Nevyn’s hand, smiling as he straightened. Nevyn sighed.

“We’ve only done that once before. Gives me an instant headache every time,” the warrior said, reaching up to rub his temples. “Thank you for listening to us, Lady Lilliana.”

She nodded.

“Now, would you like anyone to escort you?” Nevyn looked at her intently again, his red-orange eyes watching her carefully. “Now is when I remind you that Alchan wanted you to go out with Rain with you.”

“He also said I was free to move around the valley, and Rain is busy,” she countered, looking away from him.

“Of course,” the warrior agreed, bowing his head. “We’ll leave you to it. Enjoy your walk.”

As she watched them walk away, Varon looked back and waved. She waved back, then headed toward the village. She had no real destination, her head spinning from what had just happened. First, it was King Alchan and Consort Rainev. Then it was Varon and Nevyn. She knew the great Champion lived in the village as well, having seen her once before.

So many powerful people here. How does anyone get over this feeling?

She put a hand over her heart, hoping she could will it to slow down.

When she finally looked up, she knew she should have paid attention to where she was going. She didn’t know where she was. This area of the village didn’t feel as alive or fresh as the rest. Something about it gave her a bad feeling. The males around her were staring as they went about their morning routines, some with thinly veiled anger, some with outright rage, and some…some just scared her. They were all covered in scars, signs of the battles they had fought.

“Look at this,” one said, sneering at her as he came closer. “Did the Champion finally allow a female to wander into our part of the valley? Of course, she would send the fucking ahren we’ve all been hearing about. Worthless, even if she is pretty to look at.”

“Who cares? She’s here—”

“And she’s leaving,” someone snarled. She turned to see the king and his consort land behind her. Rainev was Copyright 2016 - 2024