The Champion's Ruin - Kristen Banet Page 0,186

going to lose a few toes from his placement. If Senri was even a little off, he could lose half his foot. But the warrior and general didn’t move, waiting patiently as Senri came closer and closer.

“This is for my family,” she hissed, swinging her battle axe to raise it high above her head. “This is for the Andinna!”

With a roar, she brought it down. Nevyn’s foot disappeared, and the axe cut through Learen’s neck in one swing, sending it rolling away.

“Bury the body,” Luykas said, still full commander—still angry. “He doesn’t deserve to become ashes and join with the wind. He can go to the worms and feed our crops for generations.”

Trevan nodded, satisfied.

“Trevan, come home with me,” Luykas whispered as people around them began to cheer at the final verdict. Senri was holding Learen’s head up and roaring. Drums began to beat loudly. It was as if the world was waiting for Learen to die, so they could come alive once more.

“Okay…” Trevan followed him out of the crowd. They made it to the clearing everyone in the Company lived near now, and Luykas grabbed him, flying him up. Once they were inside, Luykas began to pull off his clothing, leaving Trevan speechless.

“Ah, Luykas, I’m sorry, but I’m not…”

“You’re an attractive man, but that’s not why I’m taking my clothes off. You have been in Anden for over a year now, yes? Well, I’ve been impressed. By your loyalty, your dedication to our people. By the way you’ve embraced our beliefs and how we live. I’m going to try giving you tatua. I want to make you one of us. I want to give all of those motherfuckers a sign that you belong to us. You belong with us.”

“But…” Trevan tried to find the words. “I can’t fly. I don’t have horns—”

“Mave gave you wings,” Luykas hissed. “And while you don’t have them anymore, and I’m sorry for that, you have proved yourself better than all of them!” Luykas pointed at the door. “You deserve wings for your sacrifice. You deserve a community to live in, and I’m going to make sure that we’re that community.”

“This is a blood ritual, though. What if it only works on Andinna? Has it ever been done to someone else? I’m Elvasi. I don’t…belong…to the dragon gods,” Trevan pointed out.

“I’m certain if you wanted to belong to them, they would accept you,” Luykas said softly, now nude in the middle of the room. “But it doesn’t matter. We have no idea if this only works on Andinna since only Andinna have done it to other Andinna. However, I’m not purely Andinna. My blood is just as much Elvasi. I can do Alchan’s tatua. Why not you?” Luykas asked at the end, smirking. “So, we’re going to try. I don’t know what else to give you, my friend. I can’t go get another gryphon, and I can’t give you wings, but I can try to give you this. Now, strip. This is a ritual done in the buff.”

Trevan started removing his clothing, turning away from Luykas. He still wasn’t fully comfortable getting naked in front of strangers, but Luykas didn’t seem to notice. When he turned around, two stools were set up with two bowls and a dagger. The larger bowl had water in it.

“Do you really think this will work?” Trevan asked softly.

“Yes. Sit.” Luykas pointed at the stool. “Let’s do this quickly. I don’t want either of us getting cold feet. I want to do it, and you are going to accept my gift.”

Trevan sat and watched Luykas cut open his wrist as he sat down, obviously careful every drop fell into the bowl.

Trevan’s heart was racing. He couldn’t be Andinna. No matter what he did or how hard he prayed or fought or worked for it, it was impossible, but tears filled his eyes as he realized this was really happening. That Luykas was going to try to give him this was more of a gift than he had ever wanted. He would have never asked because it never even crossed his mind.

Luykas had thought of him and saw a warrior who belonged.

“Close your eyes and lean your head back,” Luykas said, his voice now gentler with a small shake. “Let’s hope this works, my friend.”

Trevan tilted back, closed his eyes, and felt the warm blood touch his skin and begin to move.

Then he lost consciousness.

He saw flashes of dragons flying through the sky. Six of them, deadly and beautiful. Copyright 2016 - 2024