The Champion's Ruin - Kristen Banet Page 0,185

between the Andinna and the Empire. The Ivory Shadows had never been a real threat.

Not until we walked into her city and took back two of our own and her most prized possession. Then we became a real threat, and she sprang her trap.

She used Learen to attack us in Olost. She’s using him now to destroy our chances to win this war.

“Trevan, take him outside,” Luykas ordered.

Trevan jumped forward, grabbing the Andinna. Trevan was smaller but faster, quicker, even stronger. He worked his body while Learen let his missing hand go to his head and ruin him on that front.

“How?” Learen snarled. “How did you find out? I was perfect!”

“Your wife is more loyal to her people than to you,” Luykas answered. Learen roared. Luykas followed them out as Trevan shoved Learen to the ground.

Learen tried to jump up, but Nevyn and Varon took their moment to strike. In the blink of an eye, Learen was on the ground, screaming. Nevyn and Varon were spinning their blades covered in blood, flinging red onto the pure white snow. Learen’s wings were five feet on either side of him, permanently separated. Even if Learen wasn’t going to die, he would never fly again.

“Bind him,” Luykas ordered sharply.

Nevyn and Varon took off their own belts, then went to Learen’s back and cut off the blood flow to the bleeding stumps where wings used to be.

“Hang him up. He’ll hang until the next sunset, so all of our people know what happens to traitors.”

“Alive?” Trevan asked softly.

“Yes. When that is over, he’ll lose his head,” Luykas answered, turning to walk away. “Meet me in the clearing at home when you’re ready. I need a moment to…”

“I’ll be there,” Trevan promised. “I’m going to help them.”

Luykas knew that would be his answer. As he walked away, Willem, Gentrin, and Seanev appeared, running past him to help with the rest. He sat quietly outside his brother’s home and waited.

Alchan and Mave executed people. Alchan gave the orders and until Mave, he killed them. Luykas had never had that power before. Say a single word and a life ended. A warrior in battle was trying to survive first and foremost. This was different. He realized in that moment the defining difference between him and Alchan. His brother could do this without flinching.

And I’m here hoping I never have to give this order again.

So Luykas took a quiet moment to himself on his brother’s steps, drawing strength from the mere thought of his brother. Only a moment though.

He would be there tomorrow when they cut off the bastard’s head.



Trevan stood in the center of the village, staring at Learen, rage in his heart. This male had tortured Dave. He admitted it once his wings were cut off, and they were hanging him. He had laughed about how Dave screamed.

Now, Learen was getting what he deserved. Trevan could accept this brutal execution. There was a rawness that spoke to everyone who saw it. This male, with his wings cut off, was separated from them—separated from their beliefs and their honor. This was a disgraceful way to die and would go with him into the afterlife, Trevan heard some whisper.

The sun was setting, and he waited. People began to gather as if they knew. No proclamation had been made, but they knew.

Trevan caught sight of Luykas walking toward them and the beams from which Learen hung. It was a ramshackle build, only meant to last a single day.

“Let’s go,” Luykas ordered.

Trevan fell into his step, marching with Luykas to the center of the circle forming around the traitor. The Andinna kept it clear within twenty feet. Some were flying in the air to get a better view.

“Today, we execute Learen of the Andinna for treason and murder. Does anyone wish to speak up for him?” Luykas asked the crowd. It was silent. “Good. You would have joined him. I absolve myself of his death and hand over the right to kill him to someone who deserves her piece of his flesh.”

Luykas grabbed Trevan and pulled him back as he stepped away.

Senri stormed into the center of the circle as if she was going to war. Even heavily pregnant, she carried her notorious battle axe. Above him, Trevan saw Nevyn and Varon untying the broken Andinna. They lowered him to the ground, forcing him onto his knees while Nevyn kept his foot on the male’s back.

Nevyn was fearless as Senri prowled closer, her teeth bared. Trevan was certain Nevyn was Copyright 2016 - 2024