The Champion's Ruin - Kristen Banet Page 0,183

part, waiting for them to come to him, due to his injury and the lack of people to trust. Plus, his letter had been sent out. Luykas knew he’d be hearing from Leria any day and with a mativa, a husband leaving the marriage could get violent.

When they arrived, Luykas was glad to see no one was there yet.

“Let’s get comfortable,” Luykas said, sitting on a simple bench. Trevan sat next to him, and they waited.

And waited.

Luykas thought about Mave again and ached for her because he missed her but also because of the blood bond. Nevyn and Varon had been right all those years ago when he had done it to her. It would have driven him mad right after and maybe her, without her realizing. Time, however, proved both he and Mave were made of stronger stuff. He missed her. He wanted her, and he missed her, but he would be okay as long as he knew she was alive. He would always know it—and he would know the moment she wasn’t.

The sun was setting when the caravan rolled into the village, nearly half a day late. The leader waved.

“The snow caused us some trouble,” he called out. “I’m sorry!”

“It’s fine!” Luykas said with a grin. “You have a passenger I need to speak to.”

The caravan driver pulled them to a stop. Luykas waited for everyone to jump down. There were several as always. Luykas didn’t have a lot of time, but the village Andinna weren’t there yet. A runner needed to find Learen to let them know the supplies were there.

“You’re looking for me,” a female said, coming up to him but not looking at him. She looked around, the paranoia clear in her citrine eyes. “I’m the one.”

“Come with me. We’ll get out of here before everyone else arrives,” he said, trying to be at ease.

They went back to the war room. As they walked, she tried to cover her face with her scarf. Trevan locked all the doors before coming back to his side. She pulled her scarf down once they were alone and gave Luykas a fearful glance.

“I know how the poison made it to your village from Kerit,” she said softly.

“How?” Luykas demanded, crossing his arms and leaning on the table.

“I sent it, believing it was going to be used to help the war effort,” she said, swallowing. She pulled out several folded pieces of parchment, letters. “My husband asked me to.”

“And who is your husband?” Trevan growled.


Well, brother…It looks like old demons really did come back to haunt us, and now I have finally put this to rest. Learen played us well, like fiddles in a dance only he knew the moves to.

That’s fine. I’m going to teach him a new dance.

“Did you search his place?” Luykas asked as Nevyn walked in. The moment Dianna told Luykas everything, he had taken her to Nevyn and Varon. Nevyn ran to find Senri and Seanev. They brought in the close ring of trusted allies and moved quickly.

It had to be fast. Nevyn searched Learen’s room while they knew the male would still be dealing with the supplies. Luykas tried to put the pieces together, and it was Trevan who asked the important question.

“Why?” the Elvasi demanded.

“He was captured by the Elvasi. We thought he was dead for a while, and he was tortured. We looked, but we had no idea if it would lead to anything. Then his hand was sent to us. He was really bitter for so long…” Luykas sighed. “No wonder he killed Leshaun. Alchan was right in his last message. Leshaun’s murder had to be personal because he was retiring. He wasn’t a threat to anyone anymore. He even said it was Learen, but…I never found anything.”

“Still haven’t,” Nevyn snarled from across the room. “He’s hiding it somewhere. He’s getting our information out somehow. Not that it matters now.”

“Why doesn’t it matter?” Dianna asked, looking between them. “I knew…he had some problems, but I loved him. I never thought he would trick me or do this. I need to know why you’re willing to let this go. I want to string him up by his balls! He used me to murder someone!”

“That’s why,” Luykas answered her softly. “We have him on the murder. We have the letters written between the two of you. He’s done for. We’re going to execute him, then we’ll clean up the rest later.”

“Thank the Skies, it’s nightfall,” Senri said with a vicious grin. “We can Copyright 2016 - 2024