The Champion's Ruin - Kristen Banet Page 0,182

helping. You, who lived in hell but never let it twist you. You, who had overcome greater odds than this. When we catch this spy, I’ll make sure you never forget. I’ll make sure the world knows. Okay?”

Trevan only nodded.

“Good. Let’s eat breakfast. Then I need to get out there, and you’re coming with me. The supply caravan will be here at midday, and with it…a chance to catch this son of a bitch.”

That picked up Trevan’s spirit, and Luykas could breathe a little easier. They finished making breakfast and ate fast.

They went to the war room first, handling the day’s more mundane tasks and updating the supply logs. They could both read and write Elvasi and Common, so they continued what Dave had been doing. From there, Luykas listened to the daily briefs from his closest allies. Senri and her guards were okay, but morale was bad. Nevyn was dealing with the unit commanders, and he could keep them in-hand thanks to Varon. No one would fuck with an Avatar. Kenav came in and said the male area of the camp was becoming wild.

“Let me—”

“I need you to stop arguing with me,” Luykas snarled. Every time he saw Kenav, the male had suggestions, and every one of them was an obvious power play—give him control over more of the men. Allow him to name a group that kept the peace—on and on.

“If I can make units of men to patrol the village and keep the warriors in line—”

“I have someone with those. Her name is Senri, and if you have a problem with her doing the job, you can take it to Allaina in the next village over, where she is holding them together by herself. This village and the guard units are technically under her control. If you want to test that female, her three husbands, and her ball-busting wife, you are more than welcome to. If you aren’t, then Senri will continue to do the job she has done for over a thousand years. She and Allaina are the power females of this community, and you will not encroach on their domain with my permission.” Luykas leaned into Kenav’s face. “And if you do it without my permission, I’ll just fucking kill you.”

“You don’t have the authority,” Kenav growled. He was dominant enough to be a real problem for Luykas, who knew his dominance was too fluid to maintain this iron control over everyone for long. He could lift his chin to his wife and his brother on some days but not on others.

“I have been given total control in the absence of my brother.” Luykas narrowed his eyes. “Test it now, or get out.”

Kenav spun and left.

Trevan thumped his back. “I’ll kill him for you…if you want.”

“How long have you wanted to kill him?” Luykas asked, raising an eyebrow.

“A long time,” Trevan admitted. “I mean…he protected and led most of the male gladiators, but he and Mave…he tried to get her killed a few times.”

“Yeah, I’ve heard the story several times. I didn’t think you had already picked sides at that point.”

“I was only down there because I had the distinct…experience of seeing her on the sands. After that, I…dedicated my life to her freedom, which put Kenav on my shit list a long time ago. When I was on duty, I tried to stop Andinna from bothering her. My excuse was always to prevent a fight before it happened. I didn’t want to see more of what happened to her. She deserved moments of peace and quiet.” Trevan shrugged, but Luykas caught something. He had known the story, all of them. Mave’s entire, brutal life was one he was well acquainted with.

How long have you been in love with her? Was she everything you expected when you came to Anden or was she more? Have you fallen out of love, or has it become more real, Trevan of the Elvasi?

“Well, we need to get to the supply depot,” Luykas said, deciding to put it in the back of his mind. With so much to focus on, the weird feelings Trevan was probably dealing with couldn’t be his problem. “Our contact should be in today unless they screwed up.” Luykas’ heart began to race with excitement.

Trevan walked with him. Luykas could have flown, but since Trevan was grounded, Luykas was okay walking with him. Safety in numbers. Senri only moved around with her husbands. Nevyn and Varon were always together. Seanev stayed home, for the most Copyright 2016 - 2024