The Champion's Ruin - Kristen Banet Page 0,167

do it for years, maybe after the war. It had slipped her mind after losing Kian. He had only been her bonded and adopted father, but still, it had hurt. This bond she thought of now was much more binding, much more personal. It took over a year for Mave and Luykas to adjust.

But Mat and Luykas were not the same. They were different, and that was why she loved them—all of them.

It’s time.

“Mat?” she asked softly as Bryn and Zayden went to Emerian, waiting at their things.

“Yes?” He frowned down at her.

“Would you be willing…to blood bond with me?” she asked, staring at his emerald eyes, hoping he felt the same way. She was about to have to leave them and possibly die. They only had days left. This was something she wanted with him before it was too late. Her first husband, a male who helped bring her out of the darkness and showed her more things than she could have ever imagined.

“I…” He seemed stunned. “I would be honored to blood bond with you.”

She pulled her dagger from her belt and held it up.

“Right here. Right now.” She didn’t want to waste this moment.

He shoved his arm out. “Who taught you?”

“Leshaun,” she answered, her eyes welling up. She did her own arm first, cutting a shallow line from elbow to wrist. She handed the blade to him and noticed his hand was shaking as he took it. “We can stop—”

“I have never wanted anything more than to be with you,” Mat whispered, his voice rough. “And now you’re giving me the chance to…to…I’m nervous,” he finally said, smiling. “I never thought I would find a woman I wanted to be with, who also let me live my life. I wanted…I guess what Kian had. You gave me so much more.” He started to cut. Because they were careful, the thin injuries they gave themselves weren’t as traumatic as the ones Luykas had done years ago.

She reached out and grabbed his elbow as he grabbed hers. Their cuts lined up, and Mave felt it happen. Intent was necessary in blood magic, and she wanted to bond with him. She wanted this life beginning to enter her veins to become a piece of her. Her vision changed, and the world around them faded away. She hadn’t been conscious when Luykas bonded them, and he had added his own magics into the mix.

This was the real thing. She and Mat stood in a black world. His eyes were fully black, not a trace left of his emerald green. Black veins grew from their arms as the blood gave up its energy to create and solidify the bond, moving to their hearts. Mave felt like a piece of something was added to her.

Then it was done, and they were back on the path, standing before a mountain that could tear them apart once and for all.

She let go of his arm and pulled him in for a kiss, yanking his chest piece to put him on her level. His arms wrapped around her waist, and she felt weightless as he lifted her. Throwing her legs around his hips, they kissed in their embrace, feeling the new current between them.

He loved her more than anything. She had known, but now she felt. She loved him in her way, taking note of how perfect and unique he was to her. His devotion and dedication were a touchstone in her life, his willingness to be at her side through everything—from the darkest pits to the top of the world, across oceans, and in battle.

She could always count on him.

Two males were cheering, and she hadn’t even realized it until they stopped. Mat chuckled as he put her down, turning her to see them as he did.

Bryn and Zayden were clapping, both with wide grins.

“It’s about fuckin’ time,” Bryn teased.

“You aren’t…” Mave didn’t want to say jealous, but it was on the tip of her tongue. She hadn’t even considered the possibility before she asked Mat, but now she did.

“No.” Zayden was the one who jumped in and answered. “Bonding is between two people, not a family affair. We’re happy for you and Mat. That’s all. Why be jealous of something I’m personally not ready for?”

“Same,” Bryn agreed, nodding. “It’ll happen in its own time if it’s ever right for us.”

“How did I end up with such amazing husbands?” Mave asked, grinning at all three of them as she walked toward the wagon. “Now, let’s Copyright 2016 - 2024