Caught Between Two Blue Aliens - Celia Kyle Page 0,55

him naturally, almost unbidden, and he didn’t see a need to resist it. Anything that made Jenna more comfortable here was to be done—within reason.

“The deck below that,” he went on, “hosts many events for the warriors to unwind. We have many recreational sparring rings for the warriors to test themselves both against each other and computer-generated foes in training simulations. There are also lounges, games, and refreshments on that level, designed for civilian-level comfort. Morale means everything for warriors,” he said, looking down at Jenna with a serious look. “An unruly crew is bad enough. An unruly crew of warriors is a catastrophe waiting to happen.”

“So, what you’re saying is,” Jenna said with a disarming grin, “that you play games with your crew to keep them in line?”

Sevith chuckled at her simplification, but the elevator came to a stop, and the doors slid open. “We work hard and we play hard… We’re here,” he said, stepping into the dark room ahead of them moments before the low, soft, purple lights in the floor sensed his footsteps and lit up.

Jenna’s eyes widened as she followed him into the room as it activated, and then the main lights came on. Dim violet lights illuminated the entire deck to reveal what looked like a sweeping racing circuit that swept around in an oblong, uneven course below simple seating throughout the deck. Sevith approached the row of Tuk bikes that stood adjacent to the deck they had stepped onto, and a broad grin spread across his face.

“I wanted to show you my favorite simulation—the Tuk racing circuit.”


Jenna stared at the bike, confused.

She tucked her hair behind her ears, fully aware of the heavy weight of Sevith’s intense stare. His eyes were on her face like a ray of scorching heat. She reached out a hand to gingerly touch the Tuk bike and then quickly withdrew it as though worried it might zap her or something.

Sevith released a low, patient chuckle. “Do not be concerned. It will not hurt you.”

He draped a powerful arm around her shoulders, and she relaxed beneath his touch. Jenna tipped her head back to peer up at the male who’d grabbed her ass and given her that searing kiss in front of his entire crew. “I don’t understand,” she murmured. “How does it work? Where does it… go?”

“Technically, it doesn’t go anywhere.”

Her brows furrowed. “Then, what’s the point of riding?”

“Trust me.” He reached out and trailed a claw along the sleek slope of the shiny handlebars. “The mind is a complicated and remarkable thing. There are places you can see, feel, and visit without having to leave the safety of the Avash. Go on, give it a feel,” he urged her.

Jenna lightly brushed her fingers along the seat. The material was unfamiliar, but it was cushy and smooth. The bike was clearly designed to be aerodynamic and fast, and it actually looked very similar to a human motorcycle. But she couldn’t get past the fact that it was anchored in one position. This was a stationary bike buffered on either side to allow it to bend and sway as it was ridden.

“But… it doesn’t go anywhere?”

“Oh, it goes places… Perhaps it would be more helpful for me to simply show you, rather than try to explain the technology at work. This is the bike we will both use.”

“We’re going to ride this, together?”

“Yes, it’s better that way the first time. Later you can ride your own bike, but today you will ride with me so I can show you how it operates.”

“Okay.” She bounced on her toes. Sevith was about to put her on the back of his bike? “That sounds great.” A wide grin broke across her face as she eagerly stepped forward. She’d never ridden a motorcycle in her life but had always wanted to try, so riding with Sevith on his bitchin’ alien “bike” sounded like a dream come true.

Sevith grasped her hips and lifted her onto the seat.

“Oh.” She hadn’t expected that! Jenna held onto the sides as he swung a leg over and calmly mounted the ride behind her. His heavy weight settled in, pulling the bike down. She glanced over her shoulder. Ooh, she was in front? He pulled her close, her back pressed against his tight abs. Even better.

Goosebumps prickled along Jenna’s flesh at the mere sensation of his warm, powerful body aligned with her own. She licked her lips as he clapped his hands together loudly in rapid succession. The lighting Copyright 2016 - 2024