Caught Between Two Blue Aliens - Celia Kyle Page 0,54

their activities. Was there any chance she really was a spy after it was all said and done?

No, there was no chance of that. She had come to them with information about Wells and his spies, completely unprompted.

The officers looked at Sevith before he reached them. Their faces suddenly grew serious and they both quickly turned back to their consoles.

Jenna’s startled gaze clashed with his forceful advance. Sevith was filled with hot need and an inability to keep his claws off his female.

She opened her mouth to speak, but he wrapped an arm around her waist before she could utter a single word and pulled her close. Close enough so she could feel the press of his hard cock against her stomach, through two layers of fabric. Now she knew how much he ached for her.

“Oh my gawd,” she moaned and then she lowered her voice. “Sevith is that…”

He cut her off with a fierce kiss.

This made the kiss he’d given her earlier seem like child’s play. Like a light peck. This time he cupped her ass and plundered her mouth, not giving one shit who was watching them. Her full teats were pressed against his chest. His tongue dove past her lips, taking possession of her gasps and moans. Let them all see his possession of this female. Now they would all know this human was the commander’s Oso and his scent would be all over her.

Satisfied, Sevith smiled and broke the kiss, still watching her with lidded eyes and a ravenous smile. “Enjoying yourself?” he asked, brushing his lips against her ear and down her neck. She smelled amazing. Like the pleasure gardens of Drokt.

“Y-yes,” she answered breathlessly with kiss-swollen lips. “I…I was just asking the officers here about how far away Drokt is.”

“It is far from here,” Sevith said. “But despite being a military ship, we have our share of diversions while we’re off planet. Hiren!” he called, still holding Jenna and turning toward his Bahn. “Join us for a tour of the holo deck?”

“Not this time,” Hiren replied, shooting him a grin. “I have correspondence I wish to finish with a minister on Drokt. Go ahead without me.”

Go with her alone, his Bahn said. I will return to work. This is your opportunity to spend time with our Oso. Give her a hint of the pleasure we can give her but leave her wanting more. I will take the next shift.

Sevith smiled broadly. I will. It felt good to flow naturally into this routine. This is what all Azi/Bahn/Oso triads did. The males scheduled time with their females, keeping a balance of equality that their females did not have to monitor. This was what their future would entail, and Sevith was looking forward to this intimacy between the three of them.

Jenna pouted. “You’re not going with us, Hiren?”

Pride again glowed in his chest. He’d just kissed Jenna on the bridge, in a typical public marking by a Drokten male, and his human didn’t seem overly embarrassed. And she was now staring at Hiren with longing, wanting his Bahn as much as she wanted him. Even though she was still in Sevith’s arms.

She was perfect.

“Not this time, beautiful. Later it will be my turn and you can go with me alone.”

A charming shade of pink blossomed across her cheeks. She wasn’t Drokten blue, but Sevith found himself enjoying the variety of tones that often flushed across her otherwise colorless skin. Their human was adorable.

Sevith nodded to Hiren and exited the bridge with their Oso at his side.

“Holo deck?” Jenna asked as they walked down the hallway. “I’ve heard of those. I hear they’re super fancy.”

“We have only three holo decks aboard the Avash,” Sevith said modestly as they stepped into the elevator. The doors slid shut as he typed their destination on the pad and put his palm on it so the computer would acknowledge its commander. “One is reserved for entertaining other commanders in the fleet or foreign leaders. It’s very private. This is where we’re going.”

“So, it’s this area we’re going to is like Drokten Main? It serves the same purpose?” she asked.

Sevith nodded. “Yes, on a much smaller scale. It has the most luxuries of anywhere on the ship, including a full kitchen separate from the ones that serve the warriors. You may one day see humans cooking aboard Drokten ships, Jenna.”

She looked thoughtful at that idea, and Sevith had to admit, he was surprised to hear himself suggest it. But it came to Copyright 2016 - 2024