Caught Between Two Blue Aliens - Celia Kyle Page 0,46

Sevith a stern look with hard eyes and lips slightly turned down into a frown. It probably appeared to Wells that Hiren was giving him a silent order to reconsider. His Bahn, however, had other plans.

Indulge him, Hiren advised over their mental link. Keep the human thinking we’re interested in what he has to say long enough to see why he wants to separate us from Jenna.

Sevith clenched his jaw and glanced again at their Oso out of the corner of his eye, still unable to confirm her safety or fully understand her thoughts and emotions. He hated being cut off from her in this way. She was part of their triad, after all. They were no longer two, but three. All that was left was the final binding.

No, let’s end this travesty now, Sevith answered, ready to stand and walk next door to claim their female.

Wait for the prey to reveal its strategy and then strike and rip its head off when it thinks it is prepared to bite, Hiren countered. Then he said out loud, “You must understand that what you are asking is greatly complicated, Secretary Wells. We are not humans. We cannot simply ‘change our mind’ among our own kind. But it is also true that we do not know everything about human and Drokten mating. I find it hard to believe that you have a more suitable female, but we will listen to what you say.”

“Well, if suitability is a question,” Wells feigned delight and brought forth his tablet, “then here, let’s review some of these pictures of the other females we had lined up for you… Now, this first candidate is—”

He is obviously showing us trained human operatives he wants to plant in our midst. Does he really think the Drokten will fall for this rudimentary spying? Sevith mentally scoffed.

Yes, Hiren answered, he does. And now we know Jenna was being honest when she warned us about a faction of disgruntled humans deploying agents to spy on us.

There was another a faint disturbance from the next room, a spike in Jenna’s emotions that drew Sevith’s attention. Sevith looked over and eyed the aide that still talked to his mate. The male took something out and showed it to Jenna. Whatever it was, it distressed her deeply. She let out a visible gasp of horror.

Sevith threw his head back and let out a mighty roar.

No more.

He stood, causing the table to flip and roll aside.

“What in the name—” Wells barked.

Every cell in Sevith’s body worked in tandem. Protect our Oso. He leapt forward toward the glass and put his entire weight through the two-way mirror, launching himself through the barrier that separated him from their female. He crashed through the surface with ease, sending shards of glass flying as he landed in a tucked roll.

Someone screamed.

Deeper voices yelled in distress.

Sevith ignored it all, only having eyes for their Oso.

Sevith rose to his full height and found that Hiren was at his side, both Azi and Bahn prepared to fight together for the safety of their Oso. As it should be.

“What in the hell are you doing?” Wells shouted after them through the gaping hole in the mirror.

Sevith watched as Hiren took a shaking Jenna into his arms and cupped her distressed face in his claws. Her skin was pale, eyes flooded with moisture, and lips trembled. Unacceptable. “Are you hurt? Did this male injure you in some way?” his Bahn asked.

If he did, he would die. Slowly. Painfully.

“What? N…no,” she stammered, gently shaking her head still in Hiren’s careful grasp. “I’m okay.”

“Good.” Sevith answered, though he was not sure he believed Jenna’s words. “Because if you were hurt, this would be a kill strike.” Then Sevith strode to the male who’d dared upset his female. The male he’d left his Oso with, only for him to cause her distress. Couldn’t any of these humans be trusted to do the simplest of tasks? Sevith grabbed the human by the neck and lifted him clear off his feet. He advanced to the opposite wall and slammed him against the hard surface. Closing what little distance remained between them, he tightened his grasp.

“What did you do to her?” Sevith demanded, releasing the aide’s neck and holding him up by the collar instead so he could talk. “I saw you doing something to upset her. What did you say to Jenna? Speak!”

“I… I didn’t do anything!” the aide pleaded, staring desperately behind Sevith for support from the secretary.

“Espinosa!” Wells Copyright 2016 - 2024