Caught Between Two Blue Aliens - Celia Kyle Page 0,45

harmony with these Drokten,” the aide continued. “They will always seek to destroy and overtake us, through claiming our women, expanding their population, seizing land and properties for their own use… by any means necessary. And you, worthless girl, can do something monumental to alter the course of history forever. All you have to do is listen and learn, and whatever you discover, you pass on to us. That is your mission, should you choose to take it. And I highly suggest you accept. If you betray us, your siblings will be at risk. We’ll know if you try and betray us, and we’ll take those kids immediately.”

Jenna’ s eyes stung with tears, her emotions going haywire as she listened to the aide speak. She had already bonded with Sevith and Hiren. Her body, her soul, her everything longed for them. And yet… when she thought of losing Bea and Noah forever…

Jenna’s stomach soured into a dark pit of distress. There seemed to be no way out. And she made a decision based not in love, but in fear. It was the only option.


The two-way mirror between Sevith and their Oso was thick, the sort used to separate potentially violent beings from one another during Drokten interrogations. Sevith sat on the left side of a small table. Hiren sat to his right and that damn secretary sat across from them, droning on.

“. . . and we have concerns regarding security clearances after a background check,” the male was saying, “but municipal intelligence has given us digital dossiers on the various businesses and . . .”

Secretary Wells discussed security concerns that subordinates had already fixed, health precautions that were already taken care of, and administrative odds and ends that even the most elderly Drokten statesperson wouldn’t bother wasting breath on.

Like many human meetings, this was a waste of time.

Sevith kept an eye on Jenna through the mirror. She was seated in a corner in such a way that his view of her was blocked, only allowing him a visual of the back of the male aide who spoke with her. This wasn’t optimal. He’d much rather be able to see his mate completely, to know she was safe and happy. Especially since neither he nor his Bahn could fully sense her due to their lack of proximity and full mating bond.

He truly did not think any real danger could come to her here of all places, but he had an uneasy feeling that was difficult to subdue. If he focused on her with all his mind’s ability, he could almost pick up faint twinges of anxiety from Jenna. Was she anxious due to their separation? He’d promised her that she wouldn’t be placed into a cell again and she wasn’t in a cell, but in a conference room. He could visually see her, but still, they were separated, and he felt uncomfortable. Based on what little he could glean from his connection to Jenna, his Oso was uneasy as well.

How long do we allow this farce to continue? Sevith spoke to Hiren through their mind link.

Until we find a reasonable exit, his Bahn replied. But I am concerned as to why this fool is trying to keep our attention. He knows who we are. It isn’t as if he can simply take Jenna.

He would have my blade across his throat, Sevith responded, shifting casually in his seat, bloodlust burning for release.

Can you sense her? Hiren asked.

Sevith was closer to the mirror than his Bahn, giving him a slight advantage. Yes, but barely. I cannot see her fully either.

Hmmm. I will converse with the secretary. You keep watch on our female.

Yes, Sevith confirmed.

The human aide in the room with her still spoke to Jenna. Sevith couldn’t visually confirm either of their features or read their expressions. He felt a faint spike of fear from her and his nostrils flared. She was intimidated. Why would she feel this way? Now that she was about to be their Oso, she should never feel fear. Ever.

“Which brings me,” Wells changed his tone and leaned back in his chair, “to why I brought you both in here. I wanted to know whether you would be open to revisiting some of the potential mates we assembled for your consideration. I know you seem to favor that serving girl you found at the party, but believe me, other women on this planet would be a much better match.”

“No,” Sevith spoke without missing a beat, “that is not—”

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