Caught Between Two Blue Aliens - Celia Kyle Page 0,41

They knew exactly what they wanted, and it was her. And she had to admit she appreciated that they continued to act as if she had a choice, despite the contract she’d signed or the undeniable pull between the three of them.

And she wanted them too. Wanted this to be her future, she just needed time to process each step. “Fine, I’ll go with you,” she relented at long last. “You’re right. I need to see what I’m getting myself into.”


Thirty minutes later, Jenna strode up the great stone steps of the imposing façade of Drokten Main, flanked by two powerful warriors. The last time she’d been here, she’d taken the servant’s entrance and now she approached the front as if she belonged.

Okay, that was pretty cool.

The building rose out of the ground like some gargantuan creature on all fours, beckoning them to come inside and witness a world often unseen.

Her eyes were wide as her attention flicked from side to side, drinking in the fantastical surroundings that fell around them in bright, gleaming tones of gold and bronze, shimmering floors, and walls of heavy marble cut cleanly from stone. Art—both terrestrial and alien—adorned the walls, lending a scholarly, historical weight to the location.

Everywhere Jenna looked, she saw something else intriguing to rest her gaze upon. A statue hewn of some mineral she didn’t recognize. A massive mural painted to glow and shimmer, playing optical illusions on the eyes as it was passed. Textiles hanging on the walls and spaced throughout the glossy floors all made of exquisite, intricate designs by hand or machine. She wasn’t sure which. Everything looked to be of the absolute highest quality.

But what stunned her the most was the presence of both humans and Drokten, collected together in the same space and interacting as though it was perfectly normal. Despite everything she had ever heard about the alien race—and their stoic, aloof behaviors when compared to the talkative social style of most humans—it looked as if the Drokten had no qualms about connecting with humans.

Clusters of humans and Drokten chatted together, discussing business like it was all second nature. She’d always assumed there was a stronger vein of segregation underlying the relationship between the aliens and humans, but she found little of that in front of her. Much smaller humans in business suits or casual designer clothing spoke in low, conspiratorial tones with the massive, shirtless, unearthly Drokten everywhere she looked.

Some of the Drokten they passed were highly intimidating—their many battle scars crisscrossed over their chests. A shiver ran down her spine as she dared to make eye contact once or twice.

Sevith held one of her hands as they walked, and Hiren held the other. She supposed this was her coming out as their future mate. Everyone had to know what that meant. She knew what that meant too.

And yet she continued on, announcing to the world that these two males were the ones she wanted.

Wow. Guess she was making that final decision, after all.

Just thirty minutes ago she’d told them both this was moving too quickly, and she needed to slow down. But she supposed she meant she wasn’t ready to get naked and have sex with them yet. It didn’t mean she wasn’t ready to commit. They’d already shown her how much they cared and what she meant to them during their mind meld in the kitchen. They’d shown their willingness to accommodate her siblings. Bea and Noah both wanted to move to the Avash.

And in fact, seeing them show her off like this to everyone they knew, and in fact to the world… her heart was bursting with pride.

The moment the two of them boldly reached for her hands, an imaginary door cracked open in her inner recesses, letting these two inside.

Conversations ceased as they passed and people as well as Drokten both fixed their gaze on Sevith and Hiren, and her. Tablets were lifted, recording her walk across the entry hall. Thank god she’d taken a moment to dress a little nicer and put some makeup on before she’d left the apartment! This was certainly going to be all over the news and social media in seconds. Everyone would be interested to hear that the commander of the Drokten fleet and Earth’s Drokten ambassador had taken a human female as their “girlfriend.”

Her life was never going to be the same. It looked like she was certainly giving up that job at the restaurant.

Hiren squeezed her hand. “Are you okay with this?” Copyright 2016 - 2024