Caught Between Two Blue Aliens - Celia Kyle Page 0,42

he asked. “Are you comfortable with this examination by your species?”

“Are you?” she shot back. “All of your men, everyone on your planet and in the fleet—they’ll all know soon enough that you’ve taken a human female on as your mate.”

“I want them all to see our gorgeous Oso,” Sevith answered. “And to know they must keep their claws off of you.”

“She’s ours,” Hiren softly growled.

Warmth spread across her chest. “And I want everyone to see the two males I’ve chosen,” she answered truthfully.

Sevith stopped in his tracks and stared down at her. “This is how you truly feel?”

“Yes,” she grinned.

Both males exchanged a loaded glance over her head, and then they continued on with their very public stroll.

She knew on some basic level that she was perfectly safe and secure between Sevith and Hiren, but… she couldn’t help her body’s reactions to memories of the last time she was here. She was grateful for how both of her warriors made her feel special and protected. The last time she’d come to Drokten Main, she’d ended up shoved into a makeshift holding cell.

“The last time I was here I was held by two guards and shoved into a cell,” she reminded them.

“Which you somehow managed to escape,” Sevith remarked. “And then we spent a harrowing night, and half the next day looking everywhere for you.”

Oops. Her lips twitched. It was kinda funny when he put it like that. These two big, important aliens searching for Jenna Perry was so very improbable, she couldn’t help but crack up.

“It isn’t funny,” he rumbled. “You are important to us.”

“Not funny,” she agreed, trying not to smile.

Hiren squeezed her hand again. “Don’t worry. No one is putting our Oso in a cell ever again.”

She smiled up at him. “Okay.”

It was true. These were totally different circumstances. This time she was an honored guest of not only two Drokten males, but quite possibly the two most highly regarded Drokten warriors.

Hiren and Sevith steered her through the crowd as they made their way across the space. Jenna grew confident enough to straighten her back and hold her head high. She could sense their protective impulses crackle in their every soft touch. They appeared placid on the outside, but inside, they were filled with frenetic, pent-up energy and it would not take much to set them off.

If anyone were to look at her wrong, they would jump to her defense. Full stop.

Knowing this boosted her confidence and gave a spring to her step as she grew more comfortable with her setting and this particular pair of escorts. They’d grown much closer today, especially after that embrace in the kitchen…and those kisses.

Those hot, hot kisses. Which made her wonder even more what it would be like to have them both in bed with her naked at same time.

A growl rumbled in Sevith’s throat. He looked down at her with heat in his eyes.

Jeez, how did he always know when she was thinking about sex?

She glanced away. No. No. No.

Now wasn’t the time for this. They were taking her to their quarters to show her around. There was a lot going on. They’d see the ship and where they lived and… She bit her lip. Or, wait, were they simply going to show her around? Was “showing you our quarters” code for “sex”?

She had no idea, and strangely she wasn’t as nervous about it as she had before.

As they moved deeper into the massive complex, they were distracted by a flurry of activity near one of the high-tech elevators down the great hall. Officials wore perfectly tailored suits and no-nonsense scowls as they crowded around one man who was the nucleus of the group. Jenna instantly sensed Sevith and Hiren bristle, and it didn’t take long for her to discover what unsettled them. Her heart sank as she squinted through the crowd to see the familiar, unpleasant face of Secretary Wells.

The very last person Jenna had any intention of running into again. Ever.


Yet there he was striding down the hall toward them, surrounded by an entourage of serious-looking men, even more than she’d seen him with in the past. Jenna vaguely wondered if anything new had happened that would make the man feel unsafe. What could threaten such a powerful man like the secretary that he would increase his guard detail? Maybe it had something to do with the plans she’d overheard him forming at the catered event?

Sevith and Hiren gave her a subtle squeeze, as though silently commiserating Copyright 2016 - 2024