Caught Between Two Blue Aliens - Celia Kyle Page 0,34

expressions remained unreadable and stoic. Hiren was busy putting the last platter of food into the oven and Sevith fiddled with the timer.

“Are we going to move onto the Avash and live with Commander Sevith and Ambassador Hiren?” Bea giggled. “Is it true?”

Giggled. Actually giggled.

Jenna’s eyebrows shot up and she shook her head with confusion. “Excuse me? Who is moving…where?”

One of the Drokten males who’d been watching over her siblings eased into the room with a guilty look on his face, as though he’d slipped up and made an embarrassing mistake.

Jenna sighed. “I don’t even know what you two are talking about. No one is moving. And also…” She glanced at the clock. Oh hell, they were all totally losing track of time. “You two need to grab your backpacks and get downstairs to meet the bus or you’re going to be late for school.”

“But it has to be true!” Noah whined. “I want to go live on the battleship. I want to see where the Droktens live.”

“We belong on the Avash!” Bea protested fiercely. “Besides, we already agreed to move there.”

Jenna’s heart skipped a beat. “What? Bea, what are you talking about?”

Bea rolled her eyes and released an impatient sigh. “Don’t you remember? The r-r-release you signed before you went on that catering job at Drokten Main?”

“Yeah, what about it?” A bad feeling gathered in Jenna’s stomach as she pressed a hand to her middle.

“I told you to read the fine print!” Beatrice sniffed. “I read it, and it clearly said that by agreeing to work the event, you consented to being considered as a potential mate for a Drokten pair. And, if you were picked, you agreed to immediately move to the Avash or the planet Drokt.”


Jenna’s emotions struck them both at the same time—shock and horror.

Hiren was surprised to discover Jenna’s triad link was so strong this soon, allowing this level of connectivity. But her feelings rushed into him as well as Sevith. She flinched at her sister’s words, and then her feelings broadcast to them both.

There was fear and dread at the thought of being torn from the planet she’d been born and raised on. Immediately afterward was conflict. She wasn’t sure this would be good for her siblings, and she was deeply concerned she’d be separated from them.

Actually, she’d radiated these same emotions minutes before her siblings ran into the kitchen, excited at the thought of moving with the Drokten.

Hiren understood that if he and Sevith wanted Jenna in their triad, he’d need to first make sure she understood that they wanted her as well as her siblings. This was exactly why they were in her apartment that morning, but they needed to make their intentions were explicitly clear to their Oso and put an end to these tumultuous emotions that careened through her.

“Groden,” his Azi growled at the leader of their security team—the male who had spoken much too freely to the two offspring in his care. “Return to your task of caring for the human offspring. We need to speak to our Oso in private.”

Groden gave a curt nod in reply and turned back to gather the young ones.

“Beatrice?” Hiren said to the younger female. She looked up at him in surprise. “Could you give us more time alone with your sister?” he asked. “Can you take your brother back to the bedroom so we can discuss this possible move with Jenna?”

“But aren’t we going to miss the bus to school?” the girl, Beatrice, inquired.

“Don’t worry,” Sevith soothed her, “we’ll make sure you both get to school on time.”

Bea nodded quickly and then departed with her brother and the other Drokten, thankfully leaving the three of them alone in the front room in silence.

Meanwhile, Jenna turned on them, her hands on her hips. “Are you kidding me? Is it true that I’m contractually obligated to marry you two and move to your planet? And you’ve known this all along? Even when I was shouting how I was never leaving Earth?”

“Yes, it’s true.” Hiren grinned. “We knew even then. And you are beautiful when you’re angry.”

“I agree,” Sevith replied. “Her eyes glow Drokten-blue and her cheeks are bright with color.”

Jenna blew out a breath at Hiren, and her sharp embarrassment moved through them like a harsh wind.

He was certainly the worst Bahn to ever walk the universe to take such joy in her fury, and he knew Sevith felt the same. But she really was adorable when angry. Like a hissing earth kitten.

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