Caught Between Two Blue Aliens - Celia Kyle Page 0,33

trying to fight their words at the moment. They were here and it didn’t look like they were leaving anytime soon. And then she finally processed what Hiren had said earlier, “Wait, you want us to make breakfast, for your warriors, together?”

“Yes, the three of us will do this task.” He glanced around. “It looks like you’ve already eaten human food this morning, but this is a Drokten custom, making a meal to thank those who protect us. We will prepare food for them, and us, and some extra for the three of you to snack on.”

Hmm, that was nice of them. Making food for the men who were essentially their employees. So, she pushed aside her worries and doubts about these men and what it meant that they were here in her apartment and focused instead on working with Sevith and Hiren to cook a meal for the Drokten to eat.

Hiren pulled out a huge bag of marinated mystery meat strips from the refrigeration unit and set out some kind of alien meat brazier. It was all very strange—food and equipment she’d never seen before—but she was truly fascinated at the similarities and the differences in their two species. Pretty soon she and Hiren and Sevith had a system going where they were searing the meat and putting it onto baking platters. And actually, it was nice working with them like this. She enjoyed standing between the two of them in the tiny kitchen. They were being very respectful over the fact that she lived in a tiny rent-controlled apartment and not in some fancy, high-tech Drokten dwelling. Not snooty at all.

And they were both so big, blue and sexy. She loved watching them cook and smile, listening to them chat with each other about their favorite spices and what their moms used to make and whose dads made the best meat. Apparently, both of them had sadly lost their mothers when they were young, but they loved sharing memories of the mothers they’d lost and loved. She had to admit, it warmed her heart to learn more of their backgrounds, and it made her imagine what it would be like with the three of them in a different kitchen, on the Drokten planet, with Bea and Noah in the other room of their family quarters…

They kept saying they wanted her as their Oso, which basically meant they wanted to marry her. Right? They’d explained yesterday that this thing between them wasn’t a booty call, or just an affair. They wanted marriage.



That meant they wanted her to move in with them onto their battleship and eventually back with them to their planet to live there for forever, having more children with them. They’d be a family.

And actually, she was totally softening toward this idea. The more time she spent with these two, the less scary this kind of commitment sounded. She was certain most women would be horrified at the thought of marrying two men at once and having two husbands, but it didn’t sound so bad. In the short time she’d spent with Sevith and Hiren already, she could see how this relationship could work.

But there was no way she could marry anyone if that meant being separated from her brother and sister. But…could these Drokten males learn to accept her into their lives as well as two young humans? Or was this wishful thinking? She couldn’t start something with them if Noah and Bea weren’t in the picture.

Sevith cut her yet another of his heated glances, as if he knew she was thinking about them. And what was weird was she had a feeling he did. These guys and their mind links. Could they read her mind too? Sometimes it seemed that way. After all, when she’d first met Sevith he’d managed to send her private messages.

Several minutes into the cooking process, when they were almost done, Bea and Noah came running into the kitchen with big smiles and bright eyes. They looked like they’d just met Santa. Or won the candy lottery.

“What?” Jenna laughed because their excitement was infectious. “What’s got you two so hopped up?”

“Is it true?” Noah blurted.

“I…is this really happening?” Bea gasped.

Jenna frowned. “Is what happening?” Uh oh. Had the warriors in the other room with them made some sort of promise they’d never be able to keep?

She washed her hands and turned her attention to Sevith and Hiren, looking for any clue as to what the kids were talking about, but their Copyright 2016 - 2024