Caught Between Three Billionaire Tycoons - Willa Hart Page 0,20

ditch and my car was getting towed in by a strange truck… With a strange man at the helm.

“Oh, Aleksy.” Her eyes got big and round. “I’m so sorry. It was my fault. The storm just got the better of me. We got stuck in a ditch.”

“What do you mean?” I tried not to sound pissed. I wasn’t upset exactly—at least, not with her—but I was keyed up. I’d be angry about my car being totaled, but that my kids—and this precious woman—were inside it at the time gave me a kind of low-level anxiety that I held in check with difficulty.

I didn’t want Whitney to think I was upset with her. Of course, I wasn’t, but I’d still like to know what happened to my car.

“I just lost control on a slippery spot and we slid off the edge of the road. Part of the car was buried in the embankment and the back wheels were dug in. There was no way to get it out and I couldn’t call you.”

“You must have been so scared.” My heart went out to her and my kids. I knew that she would have reassured them and cared for them, but all three of them would have been rattled by this.

“I don’t know what we would have done if your neighbor hadn’t come along.” Her voice turned soft and breathy at the end of the sentence. The way she glanced at the guy who was unhooking the car from his truck made me grit my teeth. Did she like this guy?

Did he like her?

“Neighbor?” I muttered it under my breath, not willing to voice an opinion until I saw the guy up close. There were cabins nearby, of course. I just never paid much attention to the people who came and went from them.

I was practically itching to fight or fuck. I had been running around with my primal form wrapped around me and she had taken me by surprise.

She stepped a little closer to me, reaching for my arm. I was still watching the strange guy as he dicked around with my family’s bags. When Whitney got right up under my nose, however, my already considerable rage peaked to white hot.

Bear scent. On her. Not all over her by any means, otherwise I would have smelled it already. It was definitely there, though. Enough to get my back bristling. For a few seconds I thought I would have to growl or punch something, but I just clenched my fists and swallowed my bear down into my guts.

No shifter could survive unless we could control our animal side. I wouldn’t say that mine was in control exactly, certainly out of the way for now. I knew it wasn’t quiet, nor was it done.

Whitney turned and waved to the guy, and he waved back with a cheery smile. Something passed between them and I fought not to bristle further over it.

She looked back at me, confused.

“Surely you guys have met? I thought Zavier had been here for a long time and so have you.”

This Zavier was finally done unhooking the cars and rolling up his winch and wire. He brought a few armfuls of bags toward us and set them down gently at the steps of the cabin.

“Yes.” I growled. “I’ve seen him around.”

“No.” Zavier said with a smirk. “We haven’t met, not directly.”

Whitney smiled and bounced into the house.

“I’ll just check on the kids, Aleksy. I’ll be back for my bags. I really would love a hot shower.”

She disappeared up the steps and I was so distracted sniffing out my potential competition that I forgot to turn my head to watch her round, firm ass take those steps one by one.

My eyes narrowed at this strange man. I didn’t like the scent. The fury in me roared in my blood, but it only made my face colder and more impassive.

He narrowed his eyes right back.

“Thanks for helping. My family was in a tight spot and you got them home safe. I appreciate it.”

“No problem.”

The stare between us lasted a few seconds longer than it should have. We were sizing each other up, but there was no need for confrontation. So far, no boundaries had been breached. No matter what this guy was, at this point he had done me a great service and I was thankful.

My good humor would not carry over if he made even the slightest move on my woman. If he was too familiar with her or tried sniffing Copyright 2016 - 2024