Catastrophic Attraction - Eve Langlais Page 0,8

if I’ve taken up employment elsewhere,” Titan added.

“What do you want?” Nikki asked bluntly.

“The king needs help,” Titan said.

“I thought we already were acting as watchdogs on the borders of what he sees as his land,” Axel remarked.

“And he appreciates it,” Titan said. “I’m here for something else. I need someone I can trust to act as a special kind of guard until the threat to the king has been eliminated.”

“Roark needs a bodyguard?” The statement had many of them snickering at Gunner’s implication.

Casey almost ruined her shadow-hiding trick by laughing, too. If the guy couldn’t protect himself, then maybe he shouldn’t be king. She’d yet to meet the man, having been out of Haven the two times he’d visited. People seemed impressed. But then again, it didn’t take much. A root shaped like a face could have them talking for days.

“The guarding isn’t for Roark. It’s for his daughter. Charlotte. She’s only seven years old and someone attacked her several nights ago.”

The news proved enough to have Casey step into view. “Someone attacked a kid? What is wrong with people?” No one appeared surprised to see her.

“You really have to ask?” Nikki snorted.

Titan took over. “The assailant’s plan was to kidnap the princess and exchange her for a bounty.”

“Which, in turn, means someone could use the princess to blackmail the king,” Axel said, rubbing the spot below his lip.

“Why ask Haven for help?” Casey asked. “Why can’t the king assign someone to watch his kid?”

“Because, with the exception of only a few, most lack the right skills.”

“Meaning he doesn’t have anyone with power at their fingertips,” Karlos mused aloud.

“We don’t have that many either,” Axel reminded.

By power they meant the Deviant gene, the one that allowed a person to manipulate unseen forces. Like hiding in plain sight.

“Charlotte is in danger, and the king is willing to do anything to keep her safe until this threat can be neutralized. And by anything, I mean we’re talking firepower, food…” Titan spread his hands. “Ask and you shall receive.”

“In return for what? What’s this going to cost us?” Axel asked, ever careful before making promises.

“More like who. I only need one person. One very capable person.” Titan eyed Casey. Everyone actually turned their gazes on her.

“Fuck no.” She waved a hand. “I am not minding a child.”

“Why not?” Titan asked.

“Have you met me?” she asked, not being entirely sarcastic.

“She’s likely to scare the child into a kidnapper’s arms,” muttered Nikki.

Rather than take offense, Casey nodded. “See, even she agrees. I am not a good choice. Why don’t you do it, Tin Man?”

“Aren’t you the one always claiming you’re the best?” Gunner slyly inserted.

“Surely there’s someone else,” she argued. “Who’s watching her now?”

“Anita is. Great warrior. Good instincts. But she doesn’t have the same survival skills you do. The ability to hide in plain sight. Right now, they’re only sending kidnappers, probably in the hopes of using her to force Roark’s hand. If that keeps failing, how long before the king’s enemies decide to kill her?” Titan stared Casey in the eye, well aware of her past. Of how she’d feel about a child being used as a pawn. He used it against her.

She pressed her lips. “Minding a child against a possible threat is a waste of my skill and time.”

“Because you’re so busy,” Nikki drawled.

“Shut up,” Casey snapped.

“Or you’ll what? Mope a little more about how bored you are?” Nikki had no problem poking Casey.

“Don’t give her such a hard time.” Axel jumped in. “She’s probably refusing because she knows Cam can’t go. He’s already committed to that expedition to clear out those ruins to the north of us.”

An expedition she was supposed to join with her brother because he volunteered them as a pair. Again.

Unless… Hadn’t she just been wishing she could visit the city? “Fuck it. I’ll do it. I’ll guard this princess you’re so fucking worried about. Maybe I’ll figure out why the city has Titan ditching his real family.” She glared.

He shrugged. “Benny’s cooking is good, but Eden has actual dessert shops. Sugar spun into confections. And chocolate.” Titan rolled his eyes and groaned.

“It won’t be long before Haven’s trading for those items, too,” Karlos protested.

“Maybe once we get it, a certain Tin Man will visit more often.” Casey antagonized on purpose.

Titan rose to the taunt. “I’m here as often as I can pop out. I have duties to the king. How come you’re not ragging on Gunner? He’s there almost as much as me.”

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