Catastrophic Attraction - Eve Langlais Page 0,7

the damp climate, and just plain died in certain areas, Riella’s always worked. People claimed it was her magic. They weren’t entirely wrong.

“I’m not here to work this time. Titan came to talk to Axel about something for the king. I’m here because he insisted I take a break from the workshop.” Her nose wrinkled.

“I don’t know how you can stand to be cooped up in a room.” Casey had a roving foot.

Riella shrugged. “I like the comfort of having my own things and routines around me.”

“Whereas I like change. Speaking of, I should probably go see what they’re talking about.” As she wheeled toward the biggest house, used as the administration building for the town, she realized Cam had ditched her now that his message had been delivered. Good. She didn’t need him breathing down her neck.

Inside, Karlos was talking to a group of people. He had a knack for organizing, especially trade, and had a way of making things run smoothly. His partner, Benny, another voice of reason, was probably in the building they’d turned into a public dining hall.

Since most of the houses they’d commandeered had kitchens, people could cook for themselves, meaning Benny could have fun with his cuisine and used that skill to help out those that proved inept at it. Those partaking of the dishes he made paid in trade. It was turning out to be lucrative for Benny by all accounts. He’d hired Sally to help him.

Trading was the thing to do if a person wanted to travel. If only trading interested her. It didn’t. She wasn’t a merchant.

Outside the main building, she slipped into a shadow when no one was looking and made her way to the room sealed from the rest. The door was closed, and she had a dilemma. Entering would expose her. She wanted to listen first.

She got her chance when it opened and Axel stuck his head out. He didn’t see her and pointed at Karlos. “Where’s Casey?”

“Cam went to get her.”

“While we’re waiting, come in. You should hear this.”

When Axel pulled back, she slipped in behind Karlos, sticking close to his shadow. She took up a position against the wall in the shade of a bookcase. Only part of the gang was here.

Axel stood at the head of the large table cobbled together with planks. To his side, Gunner, his right-hand man. He’d offered Casey his left. She’d waved it off in favor of giving it to Cam.

Cam hadn’t returned to the meeting, but she saw Nikki, without her companion, Vera. Probably on guard duty. Laura was missing, and Casey wondered where she’d gone to. Usually she sat in on the items that concerned Haven.

“Tell Karlos what you just told me.” Axel pointed to Titan.

“There’s a bounty on the king’s head.”

“King as in Roark,” Karlos specified.

“Yes, Roark,” Titan repeated with a nod. “We’ve foiled several assassination attempts at this point.”

Not very good ones obviously. Casey wondered why the news warranted a special meeting.

“And why do we care?” Nikki asked.

Rubbing his chin, Karlos explained, “A hit on the king is not good for anyone.” He had a gift for acting as liaison between Haven and other groups. He understood the intricacies of behavior better than most. “Roark has done a remarkable job providing a stable framework for trade and help between the hamlets and the city.”

“If he dies, someone else would take his place,” Axel noted.

“But would they be able to hold the Marshlands together?” Karlos asked and then replied to his own question. “Doubtful.”

Titan nodded. “I agree with Karlos. Roark is not an ordinary guy, and I’m not just talking about the fact he’s like some mega psionic wizard. He’s got this strength of will and a way of commanding. People want him to be their king. They would die for him. That’s not an easy loyalty to command.”

“Axel could,” Gunner noted. “If Roark falls, we could put him in charge.”

“Like fuck,” muttered Axel. “You are not saddling me with that burden. Why don’t you do it?”

“Because I’m not as nice as you.” Gunner grinned.

“No one is, but since Axel doesn’t want it, that means we need to deal with the king we have.” The response came from Titan, who, after a strange beginning that involved spending time in the king’s jail, seemed to rather like and, more surprisingly, respect the Marshland monarch.

“We?” Nikki riposted. “I didn’t realize you were still a part of this group.”

Axel interceded. “Titan will always be welcome.”

“Haven is still my family even Copyright 2016 - 2024