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know how to ask. It was something she hadn't thought of and she didn't know how to deal with it. "I, uh..." she took a deep breath and tried to say it. "I'm kind of attracted to you." Kahli felt Will's lips pull into a smile as she said it.

"And...?" he prompted, as if he already knew that part.

"And, I wanted to know if things will change?" She spoke close to his ear, softly, feeling the warmth of his cheek next to hers. She didn't want to move. She didn't want to expose the flush that colored her face. "Right now, I try to stay away from you. Will I be able to decide what I want after this? Or will it be decided for me?"

Will pressed his face against hers, hugging her, feeling her body against his. "I won't force you to do anything you don't want to do."

"How can I know that?"

"You'll have to trust me. Just like I'll have to trust you not to spill my secrets across the court and get me killed as soon as we walk through the palace door." He sucked in a ragged breath and said, "You'll always have a choice with me, Kahli."

She pulled back and looked into his eyes, melting in them, wanting him in ways she shouldn't. Kahli leaned forward and pressed her lips to his, softly at first, teasing and tasting him with gentle flicks of her tongue. Will's hands slipped down her back, feeling her curves under his palms. When she pulled back, he held his hands on the small of her back, pinning her against him.

Kahli's heart raced harder and faster than it ever had in her life. She nodded her consent and tilted her head to the side, letting her long red hair slip behind her shoulder. Will's hands slid up her back, pressing her closer, holding her tighter. His mouth kissed hers gently, before trailing kisses to her neck. For a moment, he hesitated. Kahli could feel his ragged breaths, the longing within his body. Kahli pressed her eyes closed when she felt the tip of his fang scratch across the surface of her skin. It made something unexpected shoot from her core and fill her body.

She shivered and gasped at the same time. Will didn't move. He didn't bite her and for the first time, she realized that she wanted him to. She wanted to be his. There was something wrong with her. After all this time fighting to be free, Kahli handed herself over the first vampire she saw. Her nails dug into his skin and she pulled Will's head down, tugging his dark hair.

Will's lips pressed against her throat, giving her one delicious kiss at a time. Kahli's head was swimming with thoughts she couldn't control. Will teased her, nipping her neck, but he didn't pierce her skin. Kahli felt something within him, an emotion that she couldn't identify. In a moment, she'd know what it was - she'd know what he was thinking. There would be no more doubt, no more wondering about him. They'd belong to each other in a way that shouldn't have been possible.

Just as Will's control snapped and he opened his mouth to sink his teeth into her neck, something outside exploded. Before anything happened, Will yanked Kahli and spun with her in his arms away from the sound. Breathing hard, they looked at each other. Will's blue eyes were wide. He blinked once and the lust was gone. It took Kahli another moment to collect herself. When the second crash came, it was enough to make her body forget what happened between them.

Will grabbed Kahli's arm and screamed, "Go! We have to go! Now!" Another blast shook the floor and chunks of concrete fell from the ceiling.

Will shoved her toward the door just as part of the wall caved in. Rock slid down and dust formed a powder cloud that filled the room. Kahli gasped for air, glancing back over her shoulder. "Will!" she screamed, trying to see him.

Before she could go back, the side of the hill collapsed. A massive opening appeared. Earth and sunlight poured in like rain. Kahli was momentarily blinded. Holding her hand to her face, she tried to block the sun to see what was happening. As everything settled, she could see someone standing there, right at the rim of the hole. He was a slim black shadow against a blinding array of light. Kahli's eyes couldn't adjust to the Copyright 2016 - 2024