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light fast enough. Before she knew what was happening, there was a flash, and suddenly a handcuff wrapped around her wrist. It was connected to a chain. The man above yanked the chain hard. Kahli fell forward, one arm was nearly ripped out of its socket, as she was pulled from the blown-apart safe house.

"Better hold on, dear," Reggie shouted down to her, as he hoisted Kahli up. A pleased grin covered his face, as the girl reached the top. Kahli yelled and kicked, but she mostly just tried to keep her arm attached to her body. When she reached the top, Kahli clung to the ground trying to ignore the screaming pain in her arm. Tears filled her eyes. The pain wouldn't stop. He dislocated her shoulder pulling her out like that. Kahli tried to slam her shoulder into the ice to pop it back in place, but Reggie lifted her like a lost object and turned her back and forth examining her in the sun.

He tutted and shook his head, "Someone has been very naughty. Was it young William or someone more royal?"

Kahli screamed, kicking at him wildly. The pain in her shoulder made her vision fade at the edges. "Put me down!"

Reggie laughed in her face and handed her to Thomas. Then, the graceful vampire turned and called down to Will. "Thanks for keeping her for me. She looks pretty good, with the exception of that ghastly scar. You've been a naughty boy, William. I'll settle up with you another time," he lowered his voice and said dryly to Thomas, "assuming he's still alive down there."

Chapter 15

"Cassie," Cole ran up behind her, no longer trying to hide that he was different than the rest. Cassie turned quickly, a look of relief on her face. She was in the sitting room inside of the maiden's chambers. He wasn't supposed to be there, but no one was where they were supposed to be. It was enough that Cassie noticed and started looking for other things that were amiss. She found plenty.

Hurrying to her brother, Cassie said, "You're right. Nothing's the way it's supposed to be."

"I see that. Our guards are gone too." Cole glanced about to make sure they were alone.

"I know where they went," Cassie licked her lips and looked around nervously. Even though there was no one to throw Cole out, she still felt vulnerable out in the open, like they'd be caught at any moment.

As if he could read her mind, Cole put a hand on her shoulder, "They have eyes and ears everywhere. This is as good a place to talk as any. Where are the guards?"

"It looks like most of them are with the Queen. When I was in there, her guard was tripled in size. They surrounded her like a wall. She was more, uhm," Cassie's eyes flicked up trying to choose the right word.

"Crazy than usual?"

Cassie nodded, "Yeah. Pretty much. It wasn't like she expected me to attack her or anything, but she gave the distinct impression that she thought her little lap dogs were chewing her face off." Moving to one of the massive windows, Cassie peered outside. The ground sparkled, glinting white in the sunlight. She sighed deeply, pushing her hair out of her eyes. "She asked about Will out of all people. Will, Cole!"

Cole frowned and looked over her shoulder. There was movement outside, which was unusual. Guards appeared at new posts outlining the property. "Sophia seems to think the threat is outside these walls."

Cassie watched the guards on the grounds below. Annoyed, she uttered, "Then she must be concerned about someone else, because Will's no threat. If anything, he went after Kahli to help her." Cassie couldn't hold the smile on her lips anymore. She turned to her brother and asked, "Do you think Kahli's still alive? I couldn't bear it if she weren't. I owe her my life. I wish there was something I could do to help her." As she spoke, Cassie wrapped her arms around her middle. Her gaze landed nowhere, she saw nothing as she spoke. It was the distant gaze of someone who'd experienced loss and didn't want to go through it again.

"Maybe we can," Cole said, ignoring her pleas that Will was innocent. There was something about Will that he didn't like, and it wasn't the fact that the guy had free-reign over the palace. It wasn't that he moved amongst the girls in all states of undress either, although that Copyright 2016 - 2024