Catalyst Page 0,11

wipe it off." Kahli gave it to him. Will dabbed the hot water on the wound. Kahli flinched when he did it. "Does that hurt?" he asked, surprised.

"No," she gritted her teeth, her voice suddenly sarcastic, "it tickles."

"Really?" Will asked glancing at her.

She laughed and looked over her shoulder at him, smiling. "No, not really. It felt like you were ripping my skin off. Do you believe everything I say, Will Tatum? Or does my bare skin make your brain not work as well?" The look she gave him made his cheeks burn.

"Both, actually, bare skin and a general lack of brains pretty much sums me up. Now, stop fooling around. Something's not right. This shouldn't hurt at all anymore." He smiled at her softly as a shiver raked across her body again. He moved her closer to the fire so she'd stop shivering. "Try to hold still."

"Easy for you to say," she laughed. Before she knew what happened, Will opened his shirt and wrapped his arms around her. The bare skin on her back was pressed flush against his naked chest. The runes flamed to life, warming her chilled skin. The laughter died on her lips and Kahli stiffened in his arms.

Will's breath caught in his throat, as his heart pounded harder. Khali's scent filled his head. "My runes are forged from fire and blood. They burn under your touch. I can warm you whenever you need it." Kahli seemed paralyzed for a moment but she managed to nod her head. "I'm going to let go and look at your back now." Will did as he said, running the pads of his fingers over the wound. It didn't heal properly, but he didn't know why. As his fingers pressed it, Kahli winced. "I'm sorry," he breathed, lifting his hand from her tender wound.

"What's wrong?" she asked after a moment.

"I'm not sure," he admitted. "It doesn't look like a vampire wound. There's something strange about it."

"Can you try to fix it?" she asked, looking back at him. Will nodded once and lowered his gaze to her back.

He pressed the hot water on the spot and washed away the remains of the blood. Kahli's pale flesh was marred by an angry red gash. It was almost as if... Will went still when he realized what it was. He stared in disbelief. How did he miss it before? Cursing, he reached into his pocket and grabbed a knife. Moving swiftly, Will thrust the blade over the flames. The metal heated in his hand, burning him, but Will didn't let go.

This screwed them. Completely.

"What is it?" Kahli asked. She sensed his desperation. She watched the knife being heated by the flames and knew it was for her, to remove whatever was under her skin.

"It looks like a Tracking chip, but I can't be sure until it's out. If it's a chip, we're in trouble. We need to get it out and get out of here. Now. I sterilized the blade. I'll remove it and mend you. Let me." He wasn't asking, Will was telling her that he'd need to heal her. Kahli's stomach felt like she was in a free fall. She nodded and turned away from him.

"Do it." She gritted her teeth, as her body tensed, waiting for the burning knife to touch her back.

Will's knife bit into her skin. Kahli's body remained rigid, her hands balled into fists, as she clenched her teeth. Kahli swallowed the scream building in her throat, but tears sprang from her eyes. She felt the tiny shard come free and before Will tossed it in the fire, she said, "No. Save it."

"Kahli, we don't have time," Will said, but the look she gave him instantly silenced him. Will pocketed the chip, knowing it was leading the palace guard, and possibly the King, directly toward them. Without asking, he cut the palm of his hand on his knife. Cupping his hand, he allowed the blood to pool in the center. He held it out to Kahli, "Drink it."

Fear flashed in her eyes, but she did as he said. Her pink lips were stained crimson as she swallowed a mouthful of his blood. Then Will turned her quickly and examined her back. The skin was pink and tender, but was no longer bleeding. Relieved, Will kissed her on the forehead before realizing what he'd done.

Kahli blinked up at him. Looking down at her, he wished they had more time. There were things to say and he might not Copyright 2016 - 2024