Catalyst Page 0,10

first time I left the safe house?" Her jaw hung open like she couldn't believe it. "Why?" she breathed, and inched toward him. When he didn't answer she touched his arm. The sensations she caused, the river of heat that flooded up his arm, made him jump. She was right there, those endless green eyes right in front of him. "You never lost track of me, did you?" Her eyes darted back and forth between his, wanting an answer that he couldn't give.

"I don't know what you're talking about," he lied, but he was sure she felt it. He was certain she knew.

Kahli didn't press him. Instead she sat back and lifted off her coat, revealing the torn dress beneath. Blood soaked through the once violet front panel of her bodice. Kahli reached around to unlace the corset strings. They were looser than they had been. Will must have done it when he saved her. She pulled the strings and felt the bodice loosen.

"What about the clothes? They're covered in blood."

Will nodded. He handed her something white. A microfiber body suit. "It's kind of ugly, but it's warm."

"It looks like underwear," Kahli said, looking at it in her hands. It felt light like one of the frivolous dresses they put her in at the palace.

Will laughed, "It's not. It's a synthetic bodysuit that the Trackers wear under their outer coats. It protects from frostbite without hindering movement."

"Meaning I can still fight in this thing..." she said looking at it.

Will nodded, "Exactly."

Kahli hesitated before looking up. This was the second time she was undressing in front of Will. As soon as she realized it, her heart pounded harder. She knew he felt her pulse racing, even though he didn't smile this time. Instead he turned, offering her privacy.

"Thank you," she said softly, and he nodded.

"There's a cloth in there," Will said. He pointed over his shoulder toward the pot. "Use it to wash off the blood. It might take a few tries. Do your hair last so your head isn't wet very long. We can bundle you in one of the microfoil blankets so you don't freeze."

"I've done this before, Will." After a moment, she shivered. Will could hear her teeth chattering, but it was more jarring to feel the frigid air on her damp skin burst through the blood bond.

"I know," he replied. "I just don't want anything else to go wrong. We need to get out of here as fast as possible."

The water splashed onto the cave floor as she rinsed off the dried blood. Kahli's teeth chattered as she asked, "Where are we going?"

"To the nearest safe house." His back was to her, but he could feel her still and stare at him.


"They need to be desperate before we bring you back. If they think they can find you on their own, my plan won't work."

Kahli's voice hitched, "Bring me back? I thought you were kidding before. We can't go back. The King will finish ripping my throat out - "

"After he does the same to me. Yes, I'm aware of that." The sound of water splashing in the bowl nearly made him turn. "Are you all right?"

"Yes." She sounded agitated.

"Don't bother lying to me. I can tell. What's wrong?" He stared at the wall as he said it. A moment later he felt Kahli's hand on his shoulder. He turned slowly, not knowing what to anticipate. He still expected a fist in his stomach when she touched him.

Kahli stood in front of him naked, clutching the microfoil blanket to her chest. It was wrapped around her waist, but didn't cover much of her legs. Kahli shivered and pointed to her neck, her fingers trailing the pale white line until it turned red and ran down her back. "This was a lot worse than I thought." He nodded slowly, his eyes locked on hers. Will wanted to wrap his arms around her, but he didn't move. "It feels like my back didn't heal right and I can't see it. What's wrong with it?"

Her fingers traced the King's wound. It circled her neck and trailed over her shoulder and down her back, stopping right above her shoulder blade. Will looked at it closer when she turned. He examined the wound when she was injured and was surprised by how deep it was. She was lucky to be alive.

Will pushed her hair away and looked closer. "Nothing. It's just more grime and dried blood. Hand me the cloth and I'll Copyright 2016 - 2024