Captain Jones's Temptation - Audrey Harrison Page 0,4

Samuel said.

Esther turned to Samuel, sparks flying from her eyes. “I am not in the business of indulging anyone, whether that is a spoiled child or an impertinent cavalryman. My role is to nurture and teach, in order that my pupils will be educated and capable young women when they leave my care. Not all of my children have had a secure start in life, and I cater to their specific needs so that they are not at a disadvantage in the long term. I don’t expect you to indulge Isabella, but I do expect you to respect her.”

Mathew had watched the interaction with interest and amusement, but schooled his features into a bland expression when he spoke. “We will do what’s best for the child. That is why we are here,” Matthew said.

“We have moved Miss Bolton’s classroom to a room with a small antechamber next to it. I thought we could give the impression that it is your study – then no one will be surprised to see you sitting in there during the day. There will be no objection if you wish the door to be kept open between the two rooms,” Esther explained.

Matthew grinned at Samuel. “It looks like your duties are to be on the outside.”

“Better and better,” Samuel said. He crossed his ankles in an exaggerated act of boredom.

“It sounds as if you have prepared for us well. You have made our job easier. Thank you, Miss Hardy,” Matthew said.

Esther stood. “That is reassuring to hear. I will of course make changes for anything that should arise, but I am glad that for now we can go on as we have been doing. It will cause less suspicion and speculation. I shall leave you now; Dawson, my butler, will attend to you. Settle in, and I shall arrange that Miss Bolton bring Isabella to you this afternoon. I shall see you later, no doubt. We dine at six. Please excuse me, gentlemen – I have a school to run.”

Matthew’s lips twitched at his friend when Esther had left the room. “I would happily put some blunt on a bet that not even the bravest of your tutors took you to task like the formidable Miss Hardy has just done.”

“The insolent chit. Who the hell does she think she is?” Samuel said with a clenched jaw.

“She’s the head of the household whether you like it or not, my friend. You’d better get used to her being in charge.”

“She should damned well understand that we are in charge of the child’s care. Not some washed-up spinster with ideas above her station.” Samuel was blazing with fury, which was unusual for him. He normally didn’t allow himself to get annoyed about anything. That would result in his caring, and he wanted to avoid that at all costs. Caring caused hurt. “I am not saying I expected to be welcomed with open arms, but I did not expect rudeness from a chit of a girl.”

“And I did not expect insults nor blistering criticism for decisions I have made about the children under my care.” Esther’s cold voice was heard from the doorway. “From almost the first moment you entered my establishment, you have made presumptions based on little or no evidence. It is badly done at best and completely arrogant of you, sir.”

Both men swung round to see a woman of whom, if they were of the poetic bent, they would have said that flames of anger radiated from her being.

“Miss Hardy …” Matthew started.

“I was returning to say that I had the thought that the way to reach Isabella might be through your horses. She loves them and is a natural on horseback. I am a spinster out of choice, Captain Jones,” Esther snapped. “I am eight and twenty years, so hardly a chit of a girl, and you are here under the understanding that Isabella’s care is still under my control. You have to protect her. I shall provide the tutelage. Do not interfere in what doesn’t concern you, or you will find yourself kicked back to London within a sennight.”

She did not wait for a response, turning on her heel and leaving them alone once more. Matthew looked at Samuel’s furious gaze and started to laugh quietly.

“Don’t you dare make any comments, or I shall take great pleasure in giving you a good milling,” Samuel threatened.

“I would not dream of it, my friend, for I know how efficient those fists of yours are.”


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