Captain Jones's Temptation - Audrey Harrison Page 0,3

amongst the eaves in the roof.

“This gets more interesting by the second.” Matthew swung himself off his horse.

“You, my friend, are easily pleased. I have never been drawn to mysteries. They are a little too Gothic for my tastes,” Samuel drawled, dismounting in his usual languid way.

The door was opened by a butler, who led the pair into a small drawing room. “Miss Hardy shall be with you in a moment, gentlemen. In the meantime, I’ve taken the liberty of ordering refreshments for you,” he explained before leaving the room.

A maid soon entered with a laden tray of tea, cakes and biscuits. Each time the door opened, murmurings of young voices could be heard in the distance, but otherwise the building was calm and peaceful.

Matthew approached the table the refreshments had been set out on and grinned at Samuel. “Shall I do the honours and pour?” he asked.

Samuel rolled his eyes at his friend but refrained from making a comment as the door was opened once more and Esther walked in.

“Ah, you are helping yourselves. Good,” she said briskly. “Gentlemen, I’d like to be able to say it is good to see you, but as the owner of this establishment I have to admit to wishing you back in London.”

“As do we,” Samuel said. A look of curiosity shot between the two men. This was not an older woman as they had both expected, but a woman who was probably less than thirty years of age. Her stature was tall and regal, and with pleasing features, a mop of auburn hair and green eyes, she was quite a sight to behold.

“We are of the same mind, then,” Esther said, her tone not exactly unwelcoming, but formal.

“It would appear so, madam.”

“Miss Hardy, ignore my friend. Please allow me to introduce us. I am Captain Matthew Dunn, and although I am not quite sure how we are to overcome the name difference, or such differing looks, apparently I am your brother. Your gatekeeper seemed to accept my arrival with equanimity. This is my dear friend Captain Samuel Jones. He takes a little getting used to, but if you persevere you might just about be able to bear him. We are pleased to make your acquaintance and hope not to cause too much disruption whilst we are here,” Matthew said with a bow.

Esther responded to his words with a smile, which softened her features and the rigid expression in her eyes. “Thank you. I appreciate your sentiment and hope we can rub along well enough. I have told my staff that we have different fathers. It makes it easier to explain why my uncle knew nothing about you, as it was my mother who was related to him, although they were estranged for many years. The few who know little of my complicated past have accepted my story completely. Only myself and one other know of the real reason of your visit.”

“That’s one more than should know of it,” Samuel interjected. “The more people who are aware, the less chance there is of keeping the true reason we are here a secret.”

“As I would imagine you have no idea of how my school is run, please allow me to make decisions as I see fit. You are here to protect Isabella; around that, it is up to me how I organise my staff and pupils,” Esther retorted.

Samuel stiffened, looking at Esther from under heavily lidded eyes, but said nothing in answer.

Esther had been ready to challenge Samuel, but at his silence she turned her attention back to Matthew. “I have had Isabella sleeping in my dressing room with my maid. I am a light sleeper and have heard nothing to be concerned about during the night. There is a sitting room next to the dressing room that you can use if you wish to remain awake overnight. Your chambers are either side of mine. You will be as close to Isabella as possible without being in the same room.”

“Good. What about during the day?”

“Miss Bolton, the member of staff who is in my confidence, is Isabella’s teacher. You must understand something about Isabella: she is a painfully shy, quiet child. She is extremely attached to Miss Bolton and I, but she has little interaction with the other children.”

“That could be to our benefit,” Matthew said.

“You will have to tread gently, gentlemen,” Esther warned. “It will be difficult for you to gain Isabella’s trust.”

“We are here to protect her, Miss Hardy, not indulge her,” Copyright 2016 - 2024