Cadence of Cranberries - Valerie Comer Page 0,68

hired his decorator to redo the master suite. It was perfect, just what Winnie needed to move the space into something that was just hers and Charlie’s.

And he’d done it for Michael. Her youngest had hesitated, even after he’d seen the beautiful house on West Riverside, the room that could be his, and all the surrounding property. But all his friends lived within a couple of blocks of the house he’d grown up in. All his memories were there, to say nothing of the basketball court under the bridge.

Maybe when Michael left home, she and Charlie would move. Or maybe not. For now, Katri and Dominic would settle in there while they decided if they were going to build or buy.

Charlie’d replaced his apartment’s kitchen with a commercial kitchen so his new wife could bake everything cranberry for selling at the coffee truck. It was fun working on this together.

Winnie released a contented sigh and rested her head against her husband’s shoulder. Would she have picked this path when she was twenty-something? Not at all, not ever. But she couldn’t regret the path that led her here.

She ran her fingertip over Charlie’s wedding band, and he leaned closer. “I love you, Winnie Jalonen,” he whispered against her ear.

But not as much as she loved him.

Read on for a sneak peek of Joys of Juniper, featuring Ava Santoro and Seth Donahue. You can order their story right here:

Joys of Juniper.

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Join Valerie’s email list and never miss a new release or special sale on one of her books! Your thank-you gift is Promise of Peppermint, the prequel to the Urban Farm Fresh Romance series.


Writing Cadence of Cranberries gave me the excuse to crank up the Christmas music several months early, just as coronavirus cases began skyrocketing again around the globe. Focusing on Jesus, the wonderful gift of God to a fallen world, made a huge difference. I hope reading this Christmas-focused romance has lifted your spirits as well.

Thank you for being a faithful reader of the Urban Farm Fresh Romance series! I appreciate you so much.

Thanks to Elizabeth Maddrey, first reader, idea-bouncer and excellent author in your own right. Thank you for providing sanity, humor, and kicks in the pants as needed!

Also thank you to beta readers Esther, Naomi, Debbie, and Paula. Your comments helped tighten and improve this story!

A big thank you to my fabulous editor, Nicole, who sees beyond words, punctuation, and sentence structure to the heart of the story.

I’m also grateful for the Christian Indie Authors Facebook group and my sister bloggers at Inspy Romance. These folks make a difference in my life every single day. I’m thrilled to walk beside them as we tell stories for Jesus!

Thank you to my Facebook friends, followers, street team, and reader group members for prayers, encouragement, and great fellowship.

Thanks to my husband, Jim, for research trips to Spokane and talking through scenarios as needed — to say nothing of everyday love and support — and to my kids and grandgirls for cheering me on and embracing the idiosyncrasies of having an author for a mom and grandmother.

All my love and gratitude goes to Jesus, the One who invited me to experience His unending and passionate love and walks beside me every day. My prayer is that you see His love anew through the pages of this story.

Dear Reader…

Thanks for reading Cadence of Cranberries! I'm so honored that you chose to spend the last few hours with Winnie, Charlie, and me. You are appreciated.

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Also, each honest review at online retailers means a lot to me and helps other readers know if this is a book they might enjoy. I'd sure appreciate your help getting word out.

I welcome contact from readers. At my website, you can contact me via email, read my blog, and find me on social media. You can also sign up for my newsletter to be notified of new releases, contests, special deals, and more! Click here to subscribe. You’ll receive Promise of Peppermint, the novella that introduces Bridgeview — Rebekah and Wade’s story — absolutely free as my thank you gift!

Keep reading for a sneak peek of the next Urban Farm Fresh Romance book, Joys of Juniper (Ava Copyright 2016 - 2024