Cadence of Cranberries - Valerie Comer Page 0,67

marry me?

She whirled around, right into his arms. He couldn’t have planned it better, so he kissed her, drawing her tight against his body, promising the world.

But it couldn’t last. Not without the proper question. The proper answer. He set her aside, reluctant to break the contact, going in for another kiss before pulling the little box out of his pocket and dropping to one knee.

“Winnie, I love you with everything in me. You’ve spoiled me for anything else, anyone else.” His fingers fumbled as he pried the velvet box open to reveal a round garnet encircled with diamonds. “Please, will you marry me?”

Proposing to Julia decades ago hadn’t wracked his emotions this much. He’d thought he loved her, but his heart had not been in his throat while he waited for her answer.

“Are you sure?” whispered Winnie as her fingertip touched the deep red stone.

“I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life. I love you beyond what I ever imagined was possible.”

“I love you, too.”

But it still wasn’t an answer. Not completely. “Is it — is it too soon?”

Winnie shook her head. “It’s not too soon. Charlie, I’m just savoring this moment. I can’t believe it.”

His knees were not savoring this moment. Charlie tugged the ring from its safe little nest and slipped it on Winnie’s finger. Then he rose and held her hands between them.

Her gaze hadn’t left the ring. “I’ll marry you, Charlie.” Then her head tilted to one side, and her gaze turned distant.

He’d had “Dreams” on repeat. Seemed she’d just noticed. Teardrops glistened on the edges of her lashes.

“And, oh, my dreams…” she whispered. “I never pegged you for a Cranberries fan.”

“It seemed fitting.” He kissed her lightly. “I rarely gave them a passing thought before meeting you. Now my life seems filled with the cadence of them. A song here, a recipe there, and now a ring on your finger.”

“I wondered about the garnet.” She held up her hand between them as though she couldn’t get enough of admiring the ring.

Charlie slipped his hands around her back and pulled her closer until her gaze met his and her fingers tangled in the hair at his nape. “I love you, Winnie Santoro. How soon may I make you Winnie Jalonen?” He nipped at her lips, craving her.

“The kids…”

He kissed her. “They’re all on board. Including Michael.”

“You’ve been busy.” She swept feathery kisses along his jaw.

“You’re worth it. We can have the wedding next week or next month. Hopefully sooner than next year. And then I’ll be Mr. Winnie for the rest of my life.”

Her giggle warmed his ear.

“We can have it here or in Hawaii or wherever you like.”

“Spring break. Fort Myers Beach.” Then Winnie pressed her mouth to his, and they forgot all words.


“Who gives this woman to be married to this man?”

“I do,” Charlie’s voice rang out as he gave Katri a kiss on her cheek then placed her hand in Dominic’s. His daughter gave him a radiant smile and turned her megawatt joy on the man who’d be her husband in just a few minutes.

Winnie’s son was a lucky man. You’d be proud of the man our firstborn has become, Al. She doubted she’d ever stop talking to Al completely. He would always be a precious memory for her and their five children, but the pain was gone.

Charlie’d done that.

Winnie felt a wee tiny bit sorry for Julia sitting alone on the other side of the sanctuary as Charlie took the aisle seat beside Winnie and clasped her hand in his. As he often did, his fingers found her set of rings and toyed with them as he smiled at her.

The bridesmaids — Evie, Brittany, and Gabriella — turned forward, and so did Evan, Landon, and Michael, the groomsmen.

Pastor Tomas launched into his talk. “Friends, we are gathered together today to witness the joining of two hearts and lives in Christ Jesus…”

Bridgeview Bible Church was a far cry from the beach in front of her parents’ home, but she couldn’t regret their choice. Charlie had flown all seven of their kids down for spring break. On the last morning, the pastor of Mom and Dad’s church had performed a beautiful outdoor ceremony as sea breezes waltzed around them.

Then they’d taken the gang back to the airport and spent a few blissful days at a beachside resort before flying home themselves and taking residence in the house she’d shared with Al. After they’d talked it over back in February, Charlie had Copyright 2016 - 2024