Bulletproof Damsel - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,8

once upon a time, our families were united by something greater than either could understand. Then it all changed because your family betrayed mine.”

“Do you know why we betrayed you?” he asked softly, without anger.

“I was supposed to get the talk when I turned twenty-five on my rising. I’m not there yet.”

“So you’re a mortal Silversmith who hasn’t been told of the past?” he clarified, frowning as he studied my reaction to his question.

“Does it really matter? I got the whole enemies for life gist of the theme. That was pretty much idiot-proof. There’s also the curse, hence the fact that I can barely walk after using my powers, which is your fault.”

“You could show her other things that would make her unable to walk afterward. I mean, she’s a Silversmith, and you’re a Van Helsing. It’s like a match made in lore heaven! Oh, and if you can, please elaborate on the porn part of your family histories in vivid detail for the rest of us. She doesn’t believe the stories I’ve told her! I’m totally game to wait for you to remove the cobwebs from between her knees first!”

“Oh, my Lord,” I groaned, burying my face in his neck, before realizing what I’d done and yanking away from him. I ignored the curve of his mouth, trying to fight a smile caused by Nyx’s outburst, no doubt. “She has no filter. It’s like she opens her mouth and words vomit out. It’s not the time or place to be talking about my vagina, Nyx!”

“Now is the only time! He’s a freaking Van Helsing. They’re like legends with their swords.”

“Weapons. Swords are weapons!” I argued.

“So are penises when wielded correctly. Which you would know if you ever let an actual man near that thing, woman,” she scoffed. “You two are literally cursed to fuck each other, so just let that shit happen.”

“She’s wrong. Right? Tell her she’s wrong,” I muttered, watching dark eyes shifting to hold mine. “Tell her she’s wrong, because…” Rhys’s mouth lowered, stilling the air in my lungs as my words hung poised. His mouth brushed against my cheek as he inhaled deeply. “Are you fucking sniffing me?”

“You don’t smell like magic, why is that?” he pulled back, studying my face. “Your hair isn’t dyed, either. It’s naturally that color.”

“So sorry that I don’t fit the perfect Silversmith mold, jerk.”

“No, you’re actually perfect. No one will realize what I have on my side.”

“I’m not on your side.”

“You’d rather be on Cole’s or another immortal that wouldn’t care if you suffered? Because I promise you this, Cole is all incubus, and very little Van Helsing, woman.”

“And what is the difference?” I asked carefully.

“I won’t keep you fucked stupid. At least, I wouldn’t unless you ask me to, of course. I’ll respect your boundaries and allow you free rein of my house if you serve me. He’d just chain you up and use you whenever he wanted.”

“I pick Cole!” Nyx announced excitedly, like we’d won a prize on a game show. Rhys’s words caused me to swallow past the lump in my throat. Winnie was going to roast me over an open flame and then serve my stupid ass up for supper.

“Make me a deal,” I offered, watching his eyes narrow before they slid to mine.

“What deal would that be?”

“I am missing something, help me find it, and I will work for you. There’s a time limit, though, and once it is up, you’ll release me. If you don’t, I will rain down hell on more than just your house, bringing it down, unlike anything you’ve ever witnessed before.”

“Wow, who knew the little weapons master could be an evil bitch? Plot twist!”

“Nyx, chuck it in the fuck-it bucket now! This is serious business!”

“Cian, clear the backroom,” Rhys said, ignoring us both. “Have some Irish whiskey brought in. After you’ve finished that, clear out the bar. Cole will be watching for a weakness now, but he’ll be cautious about attacking us since he didn’t see her go down with the curse. Let’s get our little Silversmith to the house as soon as possible. I want a full assault team of knights to escort Remi to her new home.”

“Wow, you skipped all the bases and went straight for home base. I don’t know if I should be afraid or impressed,” I murmured, unable to look away from the stars sparkling in his pretty eyes.

His mouth lifted on one side as he peered down at me. “Careful. That curse is an

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