Bulletproof Damsel - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,7

used to get away.

“Save your fight, pretty girl. You won’t win. Not even at your fullest. You’re young, aren’t you?”

“Why does everyone assume I’m young? What is it? Is there like a stamp on my forehead that says born yesterday,” I snapped and then squeaked when his hand landed on my ass, and my body went flush against his hard, muscular frame.

“Because you still smell of mortality, and that means you’re fragile. Aren’t you?” Rhys chuckled darkly. I swallowed hard, watching his gaze narrow as he leaned closer. “Where are the others?”

“What others?” I snapped.

“You’re a newborn Silversmith. There’s no way you’re out here alone, woman.” He studied my eyes as they narrowed to mirror his while a frown creased my brow. “Bloody hell, you’re on your own. That was stupid and so careless with something so bloody precious and untrained.”

“She’s not on her own! I’m here with her,” Nyx argued, and we both turned, staring at the nymph currently stroking the male closest to her, pretending to dance on his leg, or at least I hoped that was what she was doing. “So, are you going to see if the lore is true?” Her brows wagged up and down before returning her attention to dancing, which hadn’t been dancing at all. “Ride that Van Helsing! Get that kitty cat some action!”

My eyes locked with Rhys’s once more as I turned to glare at him, and failed horribly. He wasn’t just beautiful; he was gorgeous in an old-world way. There was sheer masculinity to him that most men in this day and age lacked. His hair was messed up from the fight and chase afterward. His scent drew me in with a subtle hint of aftershave that was so faint it almost smelled natural. I leaned closer, inhaling him as a wicked smile curved his lips.

“Damn, Remi, you eye-fuck him any harder, and I’m going to come.”

I pulled back, tossing a glare at her as I shook my head. Rhys lifted me, and I grasped onto him, holding on for dear life. His mouth was close to mine, and I did my best to hold my face away from him like he was contagious with rabies or something.

“Put me down,” I whispered, my panic increasing the moment he started moving. “Put me down, or you’ll break my neck!”

He laughed darkly, as if he found me cute and endearing. He wouldn’t think it was so funny when he ended up with my curse affecting him.

“Do you know how to stop your curse, Remi?” he asked softly, his fingers tightening on my behind, sending a shiver racing up my spine. He smelled like sex on legs, and my body was taking notes, writing things down even as fear hitched up my spine to wrap around my throat.

“Death?” I took a shot in the dark.

“A Van Helsing’s touch,” he informed coolly, the smile curving his lips, sinfully hot. “I counteract the curse when I touch you. After all, we placed it there. It only seems fitting that we’d also be the cure.”

“Death it is, then,” I groaned, trying my best to hold my body away from his, failing miserably.

“That’s not an option for you now. You walked into my world, little girl. You’re in it now.”

“You do know we’re enemies, and I’m not a freaking damsel who needs carrying around like a worthless sack of potatoes, right? I’m a badass hunter from E.V.I.E. who, by the way, will come to save me.”

“Let them come, and if they’re strong enough, they can even take you from me.”

He sounded confident that it wouldn’t happen, which sent a shiver of unease rushing down my spine. Rhys Van Helsing was carrying me in his arms, and my curse wasn’t hindering him at all. My heart was pounding deafeningly in my ears, which I was sure he could feel, judging by the smirk that lifted the corners of his full mouth. He sounded British, or as if he tried to hide the British accent ingrained into him.

“You could let me go,” I offered.

“If I let you go, Cole would have you within the hour, and I promise you, I’m much easier to deal with than my brother. Your entire world is about to change, Remi. Don’t worry. I don’t bite hard.”

“I do,” I replied, watching his eyes sparkle with laughter. “I totally bite hard.”

“Do you know what you are?” he asked.

“I know what I am, and I also know who you are to me. You’re my enemy, and

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