Bulletproof Damsel - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,65

our attention back the direction we’d come. Nyx wiggled her fingers, using her inhuman speed to zip into the woods. I groaned, moving toward the heavily wooded forest beside the dead-end road. It was almost as if they’d wanted us to take it. My eyes rolled, and I started moving as if the hounds of hell were chasing me.

If I’d known they would find us via my dreams, I’d have taken caffeine pills to stay awake, and we could have been miles away from them before they’d figured it out. But no, I was mortal and young, and my brain worked with logical facts.

Facts like men didn’t really walk into your dreams and figure out where you were hiding from them. Or, you know, wake up with their dick buried in your throat, because hey, hussy, I was trying to impress dream Rhys with my unskilled throat.

Tripping over a low-hanging branch, I caught myself before planting my face into the forest floor. I could hear the sound of my heartbeat thundering in my ears loudly, which made it harder to discern anything else. I started at a decent pace, wishing I’d done all those suicide lunges in training instead of pretending I had.

I spun around as my lungs burned, noting the forest floor grew more thickly covered in debris as I started up a rock cliff, digging my fingers into the jagged rocks to pull my weight up until I reached the top.

Staring out over the barrage of trees, I deflated with the lack of anything or anywhere to hide. I moved forward, reaching the trees as the wind kicked up, and something brushed against my arm. I turned toward it, finding nothing there. Stepping backward, I shivered as the oversized clothing allowed the wind to send chilled air against my skin.

I moved through the woods until I hit a meadow, stopping on the edge. I wanted to stomp my feet at the nothingness in this place as I peered into the empty field. Slowly, I moved away from the cover of the trees and entered the clearing. Flowers bloomed everywhere I stepped, and a deep growl caused me to pause, turning back to look toward the direction I came. A shadowy figure stood on the edge of the meadow with the morning sun to his back, blocking out his features.

I stepped back, slowly moving as he started forward. My heartbeat hitched, beating relentlessly against my ribs until it filled my ears. He slowly moved toward me at an unhurried pace. I spun around, rushing toward the woods, but slammed against something hard and unmoving. Rhys peered down at me, watching as I fell to the ground ungracefully.

The moment my back touched against the ground, he dropped and easily captured my arms, pinning them above my head as his gaze searched mine. His knee parted my legs, and he smiled coldly. My chest rose and fell as he remained unnervingly silent.

“You ran from me, woman,” he growled, pushing his knee against my apex, studying my reaction.

“You’re the bad guy,” I whispered breathlessly.

His smile widened, and he lowered his mouth to kiss my racing pulse. I moaned from the heat, my frozen body still yet to thaw fully from the ice-cold water we’d hidden within for hours. My knees lifted, cradling his body to retain his heat.

Rhys didn’t release my hands, not even as his mouth claimed mine hungrily. His tongue pushed past my lips, dominating and controlling the kiss, nipping my lip before he pressed his tongue against mine.

I rocked against his muscular frame, unable to stop my body’s reaction as need coursed through me. It was like his mouth held all the answers to the world, and when it brushed against mine, all my worries and troubles melted away. The only thing that mattered was getting him deeper into my soul.

Rhys pulled back, searching my face before he spoke thickly. “If I’m the bad guy, Remington, why do you kiss me like I’m your fucking savior?”

“I didn’t say it made any damn sense. I was just pointing out facts,” I replied softly, peering into eyes that studied me.

“If you run from me again, I’ll ensure it will be the last time. I won’t give you another warning,” Rhys growled, lowering his mouth to crush against mine as my legs lifted, cradling him against my body.

Moaning, I allowed him to continue distracting me, holding my hands above my head as he showed me who was in control. Rhys didn’t just

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