Bulletproof Damsel - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,64

from the wound on my head, pulling off dried blood. I gasped and grimaced as I brought the bandage in front of me, staring at the hair stuck to it. Sliding my legs off the side of the bed, I tossed it aside.

“If I’m dreaming, why did that hurt?” I asked, and his smile turned darker, which caused my body to tighten.

“Cole is controlling the dream-walk, which means if I hurt you here, you wake up wounded.” Cole entered the room, scratching his head. “Figure out where our little minx ran off to?” Rhys asked.

“Yeah, and men outside fucking screaming about them being here, and, well, they’ve been at each other for long enough that they’re rather hoarse. So, our pretty bird flew, but she didn’t fly far. She’s a mile from where our bodies are.”

“I didn’t think she’d get too far from us, not wounded. Not smart, Remington, to run from a Van Helsing hunter, tracker, and assassin. You may be good under E.V.I.E. standards, but I assure you, we’re much better.”

“If we wake up now, we can reach them before people start milling about. Considering it’s Monday, and humans are about to start waking up and heading to their day jobs.” Cole leaned over Rhys, checking my wound with a wince. “Bloody hell, woman,” he muttered.

“Let’s go, Cole. The sooner we get to Remington, the sooner a healer can tend to her wounds.”

The dream faded, and I turned, shaking Nyx awake. “Get up now. They’re coming.”

“I was almost coming too! Acyn was just about to do that thing with his tongue where he flicks my clit. You’re a horrible person to wake me up before he made me come!” she whined, tossing the pillow over her head, bellowing into it.

“It probably wasn’t a dream. Cole and Rhys were just both in mine, and they figured out where we are hiding. Let’s go,” I said, slipping my feet into the sandals before grabbing the keys off the nightstand.

“You’re a slow driver, give me the damn keys,” she groaned, slipping on her shoes before she moved toward the bathroom. “If you need to use the bathroom, do it. I don’t intend to stop until we’re at least over the mountain pass.”

We piled into the Land Rover and started down the small dirt road, hitting the highway. I had just leaned back and exhaled when Nyx slammed on the breaks, bringing the SUV to a stop. I peered through the windshield, staring at Rhys, leaning against the dark Jeep with his arms crossed over his chest, dressed in tactical gear. His eyes held mine as he uncrossed his feet, standing up. Their SUVs blocked the entire road. I groaned, turning to look at Nyx.

I wanted to slap the smug look on his face, violently. Car tires screeched behind us as a motor revved, causing my body to swivel in the seat. Trucks blocked our retreat, and then the car lurched, and I turned, noting the side road.

“It’s gravel,” I pointed out, and she shrugged.

“It’s the road less traveled, and those shows always talk about taking them.”

“I think it’s supposed to be a metaphor, not literally. Especially not when being chased,” I pointed out, gasping as we hit a bump.

“Van Helsings surround us. Would you rather we attempt to drive through them?”

I sat back, frowning as the car hit a dip, and my head slammed against the top of the interior. Reaching over, I grabbed the seat belt, pulling it across my lap as Nyx turned on the music. Queen’s Another One Bites the Dust started playing loudly, and she smiled brilliantly, nodding.

“So, let the prey become the hunted,” she mused.

“Hey, I’m not the prey. It’s just that Rhys is so…” We hit a bump, and I yelped, “mean! Jesus, stay on the damn road, woman. Remember, I am mortal!”

“I can’t help it. The road is filled with craters the size of Texas!” She rounded a corner, and I groaned, staring at the end of the road. “Okay, I’m going to get out and run one way, and you’re going to go the other. Every movie has the blonde captured first, and the redhead is smarter, so she makes it further into the movie.”

“That’s in the movies, Nyx.”

“Yeah, and when she gets caught, she gets fucked. Sounds great to me,” she snorted, shrugging her delicate shoulders.

“Murdered, she gets murdered,” I groaned, climbing out of the Land Rover.

“Stop ruining my fun! I like my version better.”

The sound of cars moving toward us forced

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