Broken Trust(Devastation Duet #2) - Winter Paige Page 0,50

you needed to see me. We’re still connected, Eliana. Feel.” He places my hand on his chest as a tear trails down his beautiful cheek. “Even though my heart stopped beating in that life, it continues to beat here for you. I got to bring our love with me.”

“I lost everything when you died.”

“So build new with the love that didn’t.” He smiles.

“It’s all my fault,” I sob.

“No-” He’s stern. “None of this was your fault, not even a little. Richard, Andrew, and your mother did this. Not you.”

“The vent. I-“

“You freed me, love. You knew what was right, and you put me first, knowing it would hurt you. You are so brave, and I love you so very much.” He runs a hand softly up and down my arm.

“I’ve betrayed you.” I cry, clinging to his shirt. “I’m so angry and lost.”

“No, Angel.” He kisses my temple. “You’ve never betrayed me, not once. Let them take care of you. Let him love you. Let him in.”

“Jaxx?” I ask.

“No, love.” He shakes his head, “The knight who owns the other part of your heart. Let him save you again.”

“I can’t. Please, don’t make me leave. I don’t want to fight anymore. Just let me die. I want to stay here with you.” I wrap my arms around him, holding tightly.

“You can’t stay, Angel.” He takes my face in his hands, tears rolling down both of our faces. “I need you to live for me. Don’t waste a single second. Love, laugh, build that castle, and fill it with happiness. Shine, love. You are the light. You are my reason.”

“No, Charming, not without you.” I kiss him desperately, feeling myself fading from his after.

“I’m okay, Angel. We aren’t finished, not forever. Love him in the life you have now, and I will wait for you in this one. It’s okay to be in love with us both. I can see that now. It doesn’t lessen what we have.”

“Don’t leave me,” I beg.

“Never, ever.” He smiles sadly, closing his eyes. When they open again, they twinkle. “The light, Angel you’re haloed. So sad-” He kisses away my tears, losing the battle with his own again. “-but still so beautiful.”

“I love you so much, Joshua,” I sob.

“I love you, too.” He places my hand on his chest, tapping twice. “It will always beat for you, through all of eternity and even after. You own my soul, Eliana. Be happy. Let him in. Love again. Promise me. No more waiting.”

I nod reluctantly.

“That’s my girl.” He smiles.

Holding him close, I bury my face in his neck, breathing him in. Knowing what he’s about to say and not wanting to hear it.

“I need you to wake up now, Angel.” He kisses me softly, not wanting to let go any more than I do but knowing we don’t have a choice.

“Just a little longer?” I beg, brokenly. “Tell me a story, Charming. The happy one.”

“Okay, Angel, once more.” He wraps me tightly in his arms and pushes the swing into a calming rock. “Once upon a time there was a beautiful Princess. She was strong and brave. Loved by many, but blessed only two with her love in return. Those men knew the value of the gift bestowed upon them and treasured it always…”

Chapter Twenty


“Please, wakeup, Princess. Please come back. You’re safe now. It’s okay,” I plead. She has been out of surgery for six hours and still hasn’t opened her eyes.

“Let her rest, Costin. The doctors said she will be fine. She just needs to sleep.” Jaxx eases into the chair across from me but leans forward, cringing. The vest saved his life, but the cracked ribs still fucked him up. “She’s crying, Cos. Why is she crying?”

“That’s what I mean.” I kiss the tear from her cheek. “I should get the doctor. She might be in pain.”

“Thanks for getting the door, prick.” Abel wheels into the room as I’m standing. “I mean, did you really need to leave me to get here faster? I could understand if- Why is she crying?”

“Don’t leave,” she mumbles brokenly, still sleeping. “Tell…story…happy one.”

“Did someone bring her bag?” Jaxx looks around frantically.

“Right here.” Jonah strolls in, carrying her old Sleeping Beauty book bag over his shoulder.

“Manly.” Abel snorts.

“I found the book, but it’s falling apart. Want me to go buy her a new one?” Jonah offers.

“Never,” she whispers roughly, pulling all of our attention to her.

We all go to speak at once, but she shakes her head. “Not right now Copyright 2016 - 2024