Broken Trust(Devastation Duet #2) - Winter Paige Page 0,49

worshiped the ground you walked on.”

“What would she think?” He laughs painfully. “I’ll have to ask her when I get to hell. That’s if she can speak down there. I did cut out the bitch’s tongue right before I killed her, just like Puckett. She just wouldn’t keep her mouth closed. She knew what the consequences would be. Such a simple minded girl, a real disappointment.”

“You killed her, too?”

“All for us. She was nothing compared to you.” Richard lays back with a thud, chuckling. “They will all die out there you know? I have men positioned everywhere. I knew they would come. Unlike your father, I am always prepared. So listen closely, sweet girl. You are about to hear every single one of them die. I am all you have left, and you’ve buried a knife in my chest. Unappreciative brat. You will be alone forever because I can guarantee you none of them will make it in here to you.” He turns his head to me, smiling as blood trickles from the corner of his mouth, and something in me breaks.

“Will you just fucking die already, you twisted bastard?!” I grab the hilt of the knife, pulling it from his chest with a sickening sound, gagging, and then bury it in his throat. One. Two times. “You are nothing! You lose, Richard. They will come for me. They always do. You. Lose.”

The bikes shut off outside. Richard reaches for my hand, accepting his fate but unable to acknowledge my hatred for him in his final moments. Instinctively, I pull my hand back with a sneer. Keeping my gaze locked on his, I watch as the life fades from his eyes, and his blood pools around us, slowly merging with my own. Abel crawls to me, wrapping me in his arms, and tries to stem the flow of blood from my abdomen. We both jump at the sound of gunfire and shouting, knowing that our family is in trouble and that neither of us is physically capable of doing a fucking thing about it.

Attempting to stand, Abel collapses three times before giving up, wrapping me in his arms and rocking me again. “They’re coming, Darlin’. Why didn’t you just run when I told you to? Stay with me, E. Don’t you leave me. You promised. You’re fighting back, remember?”

“Tired of fighting, big guy. I love you. I love all of you. Tell them not to be sad. I’ll be fine. Someone’s already waiting on me.” I wipe away his tears with shaky fingers, accidently smearing the blood covering my hands across his cheek, and turn when the door bursts open.

“Princess? No!” Costin bellows, running to me and scooping me up.

“There’s my brave knight,” I breathe out with a small smile, closing my eyes, truly grateful that my last minutes will be spent in his arms. “I missed him.”

“No Princess, eyes open! If you go, I’ll follow.” He would, too, so I force my eyes open. “Abel, how bad?”

“Can’t walk. It’s my leg. I’ll live, just get her out of here.”

“I’ll send someone back for you, man. Princess, hold on.”

Bursting from the house, Costin runs, jumping from the porch, doing his best to shield me from the shots around us.

“Costin, is she-” Jaxx yells but jerks forward falling to the ground, not moving.

“No…” I whimper. “Help… him,” I beg, fading.

“Run, Costin!” I hear Daddy shout as I lose the battle to stay conscious.

Chapter Nineteen


“Time to wake up,” a warm breath fans across my face, smelling faintly of chocolate, reminding me of nights under the stars and-

“Charming?” My voice wavers.

“You were amazing, Angel. Open your eyes.”

“No.” I shake my head. “You won’t be there. I can’t. Not again.”

“I’m here.” He chuckles, and I feel his lips brush mine.

“Stay!” I pull him to me, deepening the kiss, my eyes popping open when his tongue brushes mine. “Charming-” I sob, “you’re really here?

”More or less, Angel. Miss me?” His eyes are glassy as he brushes away my tears and pulls me onto his lap.

The porch swing sways under us, and I take in our surroundings. The sea air mixes with the faint smell of a charcoal grill while the sounds of children giggling and waves crashing to shore fill the air around me… the future we planned.

“Joshua, where are we?” I breathe, looking into his emerald eyes.

“After, Angel. This is where I wait.” He smiles, brushing a stray hair from my cheek.

“I don’t understand. Am I dead?”

“No, love, you’re not dead, but I knew Copyright 2016 - 2024