Broken Shadows (Shadows Landing #5) - Kathleen Brooks Page 0,70


“I know it’s too soon. I know I shouldn’t be thinking of forever, but I can’t help it. I had to have you know that you’re in my heart and soul. I totally understand if I’m not in yours. I wanted to tell you before everything goes crazy.” Skye paused and cocked her head a bit and then rolled her eyes. “Well, crazier than things already are.”

Trent moved his thumb over her lips to stop her from saying whatever it was she was going to say next. “May I speak now?”

Skye nodded and Trent raised his other hand to cup her face. He looked down at her, begging her with his eyes to believe what he was going to say. “Skye, I love you too. I have from that first day together, even before the most amazing night of my life. When we sat down and were talking and laughing together, it was just right. I knew it right then. That’s why it hurt so much the next morning when Lenny did what he did. It broke my heart.”

Skye started to talk, but he shook his head to silence her. “I know it was all Lenny’s doing. I wish I had seen it then. I should have fought for you, but I promise you from here on out, I will never let anything or anyone come between us ever again.”

Trent saw the tears threatening to spill from her eyes and leaned forward to kiss her. He didn’t want tears tonight—even happy ones. He wanted love to shine and with his kiss he tried to promise her that he’d love her forever.

The kiss turned from sweet and loving to hot and needy as soon as Skye ran her hand up and under his shirt. Trent wanted more—needed more. The way Skye was pulling his shirt off told him she needed it too.

Trent ended the kiss by pulling back as she slid his shirt over his head. She groaned in frustration as he stood up. But she didn’t need to worry. He wasn’t leaving her ever again. Trent bent down and kissed her hard and deep. Their tongues caressed each other and their lips demanded more. Skye flung her arms around his neck and Trent urged her to do the same with her legs around his hips.

Without breaking the kiss, Trent stood with Skye locked against him, lips to lips, chest to chest, hip to hip, as he carried her inside. He stopped at the closed bedroom door and pressed her against it. Trent couldn’t stop his hips from surging forward and relished the demanding groan that came from Skye.

“I love you,” she whispered as she clung to him, her breathing heavy as they looked into each other’s eyes.

“I love you too.” Trent slowed things down then and kissed her with all the love he had. He reached down and opened the door all while kissing her. He didn’t set her down until they reached the bed. He wanted to make love to her now, so he took his time undressing her.

Trent climbed onto the bed and with every kiss down her body, he told Skye what he loved about her. Her hands possessed him as she wordlessly conveyed her love, her desires, and her wants as she drove him higher and higher. When they were both breathing hard with overwhelming need, Trent sank home and knew the woman in his arms was more than just a love but was the love of his life.


Trent had gone home to make a show of working but not before they made love again in the early morning light. Last night had been reverently done, but this morning it had seemed as if they’d let their passion instead of their feelings take the lead. She’d never felt sexier as he whispered all the things he wanted to do with her.

Skye had made him swear he’d hurry back so they could start on the long list of things that made her breathless just imagining.

After taking a shower, Skye poured a cup of coffee and padded out onto the porch. She took a deep breath of morning air and felt more focused than she had in years. She knew what she wanted both personally and professionally and she was going for it.

Skye picked up her phone and got to work. She was so busy getting things in motion for tomorrow that she didn’t hear Tinsley and Karri until they were halfway through the house.

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