Broken Shadows (Shadows Landing #5) - Kathleen Brooks Page 0,69

with the hem of her shirt as she waited for them.

“It’s my fault Olivia got hurt,” she said as she looked up at Granger and Peter. “But I won’t allow it to be for nothing. I have a plan.”

Peter took a seat in one of the chairs, but Granger just leaned back against the door and crossed his arms over his chest as he listened to what Skye wanted to do.

“I’ll go with you to New York,” Granger told her when she was done.

“That’s very sweet of you, but I can’t have anyone from Shadows Landing there or they may make the connection to me staying here. This is my safe place until we find the evidence to connect Jim and Lenny to the threats. Only then can I—we move on.”

“I’m working every lead on that evidence. I’m trying to find a link between Star Power and Jim, Lenny, or anyone on their team. I’ve had to escalate it up to cybercrimes to see if they can find any digital currency used to pay for these thugs to harass you,” Peter told her. “And,” he said, looking to Granger, “I agree that neither you nor I can go with her.”

Trent saw Skye grimace. “It’ll just be Karri and me. We’ll do what we need to.”

“Karri? Like hell.” Peter jumped up from his seat and started pacing the same path Skye had trod not a half hour before. “We have to go. I’m not leaving you two to go alone.”

“I’m going with them,” Trent told his two friends. “I’m just staying in whatever transport Miles and Ryker arranged for us.”

“Then we are too,” Peter said as Granger nodded.

“They need protection in the city. We can do that. No one looks at the bodyguards,” Granger tried to argue.

Trent smiled and that got his friends’ attention. “Don’t worry. I’ve got that part covered.”

Neither Peter nor Granger looked convinced, but they agreed to escort the three of them to New York and then home. Trent didn’t admit it, but it would be nice to have them along. It was going to be nerve-wracking letting Skye do her thing and not be able to be by her side every minute, but having Granger and Peter with him would help.

“I’m going to check in with Karri.” Peter stopped pacing and looked down at Skye. “Don’t worry. We’ll keep you safe. I understand what you’re doing and why. Now the rest is up to me. I won’t let you down.”

“I know you won’t. Thank you for all you guys are doing for me.” Trent watched as Skye stood and hugged Peter and then Granger. Granger looked so uncomfortable with any display of affection that it almost made Trent laugh.

“We’ll check back in tomorrow. Call if there’re any new developments,” Granger grumbled before he and Peter left.

Skye took a deep breath and looked out over the river with a sad expression on her face. Trent sat down next to her and pulled her near. He wrapped his arms around her and nuzzled his lips against her neck.

“Trent, I have something I have to say.”

Trent stopped the light kissing down her neck and looked into her serious face. “What is it?”

He saw the swallow working its way down her throat as she looked determined yet nervously up at him. “I feel as if I’m facing the executioner the day after tomorrow. Suddenly all the time I was envisioning between us has been narrowed down into a two-day window. Less than that, actually. We have two nights and one day together until my world might implode.”

Trent gently pushed back her hair so he could look down into her face unobstructed. “Skye, your world won’t implode. No matter what the court ruling is or what happens, we’ll face it together.”

Skye gave a weak smile and Trent moved to cup her cheek with his hand. He loved how she leaned her cheek against his hand and nodded. “That’s why I have to talk to you. You’ve shown me the courage I have and by doing this myself I am taking control of my life once again. But there’s one thing I have no control over now and that’s my heart. Trent, I know it’s crazy, but I fell in love with you the second I met you. No matter what happens in New York, I love you and I will always love you.”

Trent felt as if someone had knocked the breath from him. He went to open his mouth, but Skye stopped Copyright 2016 - 2024