Broken Shadows (Shadows Landing #5) - Kathleen Brooks Page 0,59

darkness was coming,” Skye answered for her.

“Dreams are very important. My grandmother says that in our dreams, our past, present, and future can join to share their wisdom.” Peter was staring at Karri, almost willing her to tell him the entire dream.

“I saw myself starting a restaurant in the space to rent next to Harper’s bar. I saw all you inside of it and then I heard my wolf howl as darkness crept forward. I had to fight the darkness, but I wasn’t alone. Others were there to help,” Karri answered Peter’s unasked question of what she’d dreamt.

Peter nodded and reached out to hold Karri’s hand. “You’re a wolf and your courage and loyalty are seen by this dream. I had a dream too. I saw the mist, but I also saw us fighting it together.” Peter looked around the room. “All of us.”

Trent felt a shiver race through Skye’s body and looked down at her. “I’ll tell you later,” she whispered.

Skye’s phone rang and everyone practically jumped out of their skin as the jarring sound echoed in the silent room. “It’s Olivia,” she said as she put it on speaker. “Are you okay?”

“I’m pissed,” Olivia’s voice came through loud and clear, as did her anger. “Those little assholes with major crimes tried to arrest me for kidnapping.”

Trent almost felt sorry for them. He knew Olivia would not respond well to that sort of thing.

“This is Agent Castle. Agent Shaw of the L.A. office was supposed to call them,” Castle told her.

“He did. But since he wouldn’t disclose Skye’s location, they said they couldn’t stop the investigation. They want the press and publicity and I told them what they could do with both.”

“I take it they didn’t arrest you?” Trent wanted to hear what happened next.

“Of course not. They don’t have a case. They’re totally confused as to where Skye is and why she’s missing. I refused to answer any question other than to say that my client was safe and had not been kidnapped. They wanted me to call you, but I refused that as well. If we have to, we’ll go public. They wanted a video call and I didn’t want them to hear or see anything that could give you away.”

“Well,” Skye hedged, “it might be too late. One of the Star Power goons found me today, but I don’t look like myself and gave him a fake name. Granger came running at me so I told him he was my boyfriend.”

Olivia let out a very unladylike snort of amusement. “I bet Granger loved that. Granger doesn’t do girlfriends. Just be careful. I’m here on business for another couple of days and have a feeling this won’t be the last I hear from them. If I need to prove you’re safe, Ryker has a soundproof room in his house that I’m sure he’ll let you use to verify that you’re alive and well. In the meantime, I’m fighting Jim Hexter and Tony Ketron over the alleged contract. Both camps have made threats, but I think they think I’ll swerve in this game of chicken. What they don’t know is, I don’t swerve. I decimate any obstacle in my way. I’ll keep you updated.”

Olivia hung up and within minutes Morgan was calling.

“Are you okay?” Skye immediately asked upon answering the phone.

Morgan laughed with amusement and Skye looked at Trent with worry. “I haven’t had this much fun in years. The new attorney in town, Tandy Rawlings, was supposed to be here with me when I was questioned, but she got stuck in court. Henry Rooney came instead, and I know you don’t know him, but he wears shiny suits. That should tell you everything you need to know. And he speaks only in awful pick-up lines just for laughs. However, he’s brilliant. I just sat back and didn’t say a word.”

“So, what happened?” Trent asked.

Morgan laughed again. “The detective they sent was female and Henry started off by telling her he had a great idea on how they could use her handcuffs. When she ignored him and tried to threaten me with arrest, Henry turned to her and said the only law she was going to enforce was the law of attraction. Then he growled at her. It totally flustered her. Then she got stern and threatened me some more and Henry told her it was hot that she was playing bad cop and tonight he’d let her plant something on him while he showed her how to Copyright 2016 - 2024