Broken Shadows (Shadows Landing #5) - Kathleen Brooks Page 0,4

the feeling of not being alone in the giant house. Trent opened his eyes to see Skye sound asleep next to him. There was another sound and then footsteps coming toward them. Trent pulled the sheet over Skye’s nude body and jumped into his clothes as the door opened.

“Who the hell are you?” Trent asked as he put himself between the man and Skye.

“Lenny Daniels, Skye’s manager.” He was a little past middle-aged and had gotten a lot of Botox and probably some other work done over the years. He was fighting a losing battle against age, but he wasn’t waving the flag of defeat yet. “I think the better question is, where did she find you?”

Trent looked back at Skye. He didn’t like that Lenny had just walked into her room. Manager or not, he was still a man and she was still naked. Trent gestured with his chin to take it outside. Lenny made a face but moved out into the hall as Trent grabbed his shoes and met him.

“I’m Trent Faulkner, the furniture maker.”

“Figures. Skye loves her blue-collar men. Come with me.”

Trent followed the man who was in excellent shape, but even so, probably in clothes thirty years too young for him. Not that Trent was a fashionista, but the skinny jeans with loafers and no socks just wasn’t a good look.

They entered an office and Trent kept his eyes on Lenny as he pulled open a drawer and handed Trent a piece of paper. “Our standard NDA. I need your phone to make sure you didn’t take any pictures.”

Insulted wasn’t even touching what Trent felt. “I wouldn’t do that.”

“Yeah, right,” Lenny said sarcastically. “And all the men before you wouldn’t ever do that because, what? You’re in love with Skye? Get real. She’s a celebrity and you’re a nobody. She doesn’t love you. She enjoys the worship your kind gives her. Now, sign the nondisclosure and you can be on your way.”

Trent shook his head. This wasn’t right. He wasn’t just a number. They’d connected. “I want to talk to Skye.”

Lenny looked at his watch and then back up at Trent. “Your time is up. It’s sad you don’t see that. Sign it and leave before things get awkward. Enjoy the night you had with America’s Sweetheart and know I’ll sue you for every penny you have if you ever tell anyone about this night.” Lenny paused and let out a sigh. “I’m sorry. You probably think what happened was real. You think you had a connection. You didn’t. This is just Skye’s way. You are just the next in a long line of normal guys who have fallen for the glitz and glamour of it all.”

“Then why should I sign it? Why shouldn’t I go out and tell everyone she pretends to be this small town girl to get laid?” Trent asked, his heart hardening with every word Lenny spoke.

Lenny looked at him sympathetically and pushed forward the paper with a pen lying on top of it. “Because deep down you care for her and don’t want her hurt. I’m sorry.”

Trent looked down at the paper. Had it all been fake?

“Did she tell you she grew up on a farm? That she sought solace at the reservation in college because there was just something about family that gave her peace? That she never does this? That she never feels this way about a man after just meeting him?”

Trent listened to Lenny’s words and his heart broke in two. He silently picked up the pen, signed the paper, and walked out. He never wanted to hear from Skye Jessamine ever again. He was a fool for falling for her. Even more a fool for thinking someone like her actually saw him for who he was and adored him for it. Trent hardened his heart. He was a fool no more.


The smell of fall was heavy in the air. Even in Shadows Landing, South Carolina, Trent could smell the season’s arrival. The leaves were changing, the air was less humid, and grills were fired up for tailgating before football games. He’d spent last night in his workshop, building a new piece of furniture for his new line that was about to be picked up for national production. It had been months . . . shoot, almost a year at this point, but Skye Jessamine still haunted every minute of his life.

She had a movie coming out in a month and her face was on every magazine cover, Copyright 2016 - 2024