Broken Shadows (Shadows Landing #5) - Kathleen Brooks Page 0,3

where she was deciding which rug to put in the dining room to see which picture he was referring to. The movers were with Karri in the dining room waiting to be called in. “Oh, that’s me. My parents live in Grundy County, Iowa. I grew up on a small farm.”

“You’re a small-town girl?” Trent asked, feeling bad when his disbelief was clear for all to hear.

Skye smiled and nodded. “My high school class had eighty-three kids in it.”

“Ugh,” Trent groaned. “You beat me. Ours had eighty-nine.”

“City slicker,” Skye teased, and they both laughed. Trent was man enough to admit he’d been completely wrong about Skye. Well, he was right about her being drop-dead gorgeous, but the small-town girl manners had his heart and his libido in overdrive.

“Ouch, no need to insult a man,” Trent joked back.

“I can’t tell you how nice it is to spend the day with you. People around here forget where they came from. Jim and Lenny, they’re my agent and manager, both try to get rid of any small town girl left in me. What they don’t know is that you can take the girl out of her small town, but you can’t take the small town out of the girl. Now, I think I like this rug. What do you think?”

It took over an hour to get everything in place. They’d ended up moving the furniture until it was just right, but the result was something Trent was beyond proud of. The movers left and Karri headed into the private kitchen to make dinner.

“It’s been a real pleasure, ma’am,” Trent said, holding out his hand.

Skye’s smile fell. “You can’t leave yet.” Trent looked around to see if something was out of place and Skye laughed. “No, everything is perfect. It’s just that this has been really nice. And maybe I’m overstepping. I don’t even know if you have a girlfriend, but I was hoping you’d stay for dinner. I have to thank you for your hard work.”

Trent didn’t know how to respond. Was she flirting?

“No girlfriend and I’d love to stay for dinner.”

“I’ll tell Karri to make an extra,” she said as she grabbed his hand and led him to the living room. “I’ll be right back. Make yourself at home.”

A minute later she was back and sat down on the couch next to him. Trent couldn’t believe how fast time flew and before he knew it, Karri was telling them dinner was ready.

“It’s been a pleasure meeting you, Trent.”

“Are you leaving?” he asked Karri, who nodded.

“I help coach a local lacrosse team. Skye and I played in college and we have practice tonight.

They said their goodbyes and he followed Skye into the kitchen. “How about we eat outside?”

“Sure.” Trent picked up the bottle of wine and his plate of food. He then followed Skye through an opened glass door to a pool patio that overlooked the cityscape.

Trent had been nervous, but he and Skye got along as if they’d known each other for years. She told him stories of growing up on a farm and he told her about the pirates of Shadows Landing. Hours went by. The sun had long since set yet they were still talking and laughing.

“When do you leave?” Skye asked as they reclined by the pool.

“Tomorrow afternoon.”

“So soon? Then we better make the most of tonight.” Skye bit her bottom lip and suddenly looked nervous. “I thought I was brave, but I’m not. I was going to kiss you.” Trent’s breath stopped and he forgot how to breathe. “But I chickened out. I’ve never been the type to make the first move. Am I crazy thinking that there’s something between us?”

“I thought I was crazy for thinking there was,” Trent admitted as he lifted his hand and brushed his fingers against her cheek before sliding his hand to cup the nape of her neck.

“Then let’s be crazy together,” Skye whispered. She tilted her face up and offered her lips to him. Trent didn’t hesitate to accept her gift.

In fact, he took everything she offered. She’d been right: there was something between them. Something that made her feel like home to him. Something that when she stood up and held out her hand, he knew he’d take it and never look back. Something that left them both calling out each other’s names multiple times that night. Something that was so strong that his heart had been irrevocably taken by Skye.

It wasn’t the morning sun that woke Trent. It was Copyright 2016 - 2024