Broken_ Broken #1 - A. E. Murphy Page 0,27

press against my stomach. Seconds later he’s fast asleep and I’m changing the towels. His temperature is so high the water in the towels is now lukewarm. That’s crazy. Now I’m really worried.

The morning comes and Caleb is much better. His fever broke in the night and I know this because I didn’t sleep at all. I don’t want him to go to class and I’m shocked when he so easily agrees and spends the day with me in bed, watching movies and eating junk.

Then he reminds me of what he said last night and my heart starts racing. “We’re getting married on Wednesday.”

I roll him onto his back. “What’s the rush?”

“You’re pregnant with my son. I want to do this properly.”

I frown and think on it for a moment. I want to walk down an aisle in a stunning white dress. I want the after party and the confetti. I don’t want to get married at a registry office just for the sake of getting married.

He sees my thoughts churning and gives me a little shake. “I hate to pull this card…”

“What card?”

He rubs his hands over his face and flips us over so I’m on my back. “If you don’t marry me then I’ll think you don’t love me.”

Drama. “Stop being an idiot.”

His face falls and I see the desperation in his eyes. “Please, Gwenny. Please.”

Now I’m really panicked. “What’s going on Caleb?”


“Don’t lie to me.”

“I had a dream,” he blurts and pecks me on the lips. “I had a really bad dream and I can’t remember it, but I know I want to marry you and I don’t want to waste another minute.”

“Damn it,” I groan and turn my head. “Fine. Fine. Wednesday we’ll get married.”

“You swear?”


“Swear it, Gwenny, or I’m never eating you again.”

My mouth falls open in horror. “You bastard.”

“Swear it.”

“Okay, okay, I swear it!”

The smile that lights up his face is mesmerising. He kisses me deeply before rolling back onto his back and pulling me tightly to him. “Love you, Gwenny.”

“Love you too.” Even though we’ve agreed, something in my gut just isn’t right. There’s something going on here and I want to ask him but I’ll give him time to get better first. He looks exhausted, sounds exhausted and is clearly unwell, even if his temperature has broken.

“Let’s just stay in bed until we get married,” he murmurs, his lids hooded and sleepy looking. “How does that sound?”

I nod. “I still have to work your shift though.”

“Ask someone to cover it. Don’t leave my side for a second.”

I’m about to ask what he’s talking about, but I’m distracted by a strange thumping sensation in my stomach. My heart accelerates along with my excitement. “He’s kicking,” I whisper and press Caleb’s hand to my stomach.

We wait and, just when I think it’s not going to happen, I feel him tap. “Really?” Caleb laughs and looks at my stomach in wonder. “That’s…” he moves down the bed and rests his cheek on my navel. “I wish I could feel him.”

“Me too.”

Tears fill Caleb’s eyes, his lips pinching together as if suppressing them. He looks up at me, his eyes full of hurt and sorrow.

“What’s wrong, baby?” I ask and hug him as tight as possible. His body starts to shake and a sob escapes him. Now he’s crying, it’s almost like I can feel his pain and my own eyes begin to tingle and burn. “Talk to me.”

He shakes his head. “I’m happy.”

“That’s a lie. I know you and I know these aren’t happy tears.”

“I’m so sorry, Gwenny.”


“Oh god,” he chokes out and sobs tear through him. I’ve never heard such mournful sounds. They torture my very soul.

His arms hold me tighter with each second and my chest becomes wet from his tears. My own tears stain my face as I try to figure out what’s wrong with him, but nothing comes to mind.

“Talk to me,” I beg, closing my eyes to push out another tear. “Please, baby. Talk to me.”

“Don’t ever lose yourself, okay?” He whispers. “Promise me.”

“What are you talking about? You’re scaring me.”

“You’re perfect the way you are. Don’t ever change. Never leave me. Never. I know it’s selfish, but I…”

“Hey,” I soothe him and stroke my fingers through his hair. “I’ll never leave you. I swear it.”


Sasha and Tommy have agreed to be our witnesses for the wedding tomorrow. I’m nervous and excited and nervous and even more excited. Caleb hasn’t brought up last night and I daren’t. Seeing him so Copyright 2016 - 2024