The Breeding Experiment - Laurann Dohner Page 0,65

great daddy to your babies?”

“Yes. He’s a really sweet guy when you get to know him.”

“No explanations needed, Darla. Just keep answering me with the first thing that comes to mind. First word to pop into your head when you think about never seeing him again.”


“Do you want to be a single mother?”


“Do you think Gnaw would ever be abusive to you?”

“No! He’s not like that.”

“Give me one word that describes Gnaw?”

That was a tough one. Darla bit her lip. “Amazing.”

Jessa grinned and released her hands, climbing to her feet. “There you have it. We’ve cut through the doubts and second-guessing clouding your head. Just say yes to Gnaw and have lots of hot sex. Then you two can raise your babies together. Now get your ass up, Mamma-to-be, and let’s see if this dress fits. We’re close enough in size that it should. I bought it for myself last year but never wore it. It’s yours now. My gift to you.”

“I’m nervous,” Darla admitted.

“So is Gnaw. About the date part, anyway, because all he wants to do is take you home and sex you up. That’ll come later though. After you smile and flirt with him in public. I’m going to help you get ready.”

Darla halted. “My sister. She is going to freak out! And what happens when Gnaw and his grouping take another job? I can’t abandon Becky, and I’ll have to if I agree to become Gnaw’s mate.”

Jessa turned to her with a small frown. “Don’t put up roadblocks to your happiness, Darla. Veslors travel in groupings. Becky’s your sister. So she’ll be considered part of their grouping. She’ll go with you.”

“You’re sure?”

“I’m pretty sure. Maybe she’ll even hook up with Maith. God knows he could use someone sweet like your sister to mellow his sour ass out. He’s totally going to try to block me from being your doctor.” She smiled suddenly. “Ooh, I love that idea! I’m so going to set them up. He’ll be too busy with her to piss me off.”

It was Darla’s turn to frown. “You’re not using my sister like that.”

Jessa chuckled. “I’m kidding. I wouldn’t hook your sister up with that grouchy asshole.”

Darla narrowed her eyes. “You’re lying.”

Jessa smirked. “Yes, I am. But only because I honestly think they’d make a great couple. For real. Think about it. You worry about her a lot. Imagine him as her mate. No one would dare fuck with your sister. Just let it stew a bit in your head. You might agree with me.”

Darla sighed. “You like to meddle in people’s lives, don’t you?” she asked wryly.

“I do. I’m way better at handling other people’s lives than my own.” Jessa shrugged. “The fleet owns me for another nine years. When my time comes to be free to look for a husband and have kids, I hope to find someone just like me to make that happen. Then they can cut through the bullshit my mind will come up with to try to avoid getting hurt. Now, get dressed. Gnaw is going to be here soon.”

Darla nodded. “I feel like I’m going to puke.”

“I think it’s too early for morning sickness to hit. It’s just nerves. Stop worrying, Darla. Gnaw is yours. You are his. It’s set in stone. Just enjoy dinner and think about all the sex you two will have later. And yes, it’s safe while pregnant, if he’s gentle with you. No acrobatics like swinging from the ceiling, if they’re into that. Now…focus on how he looks naked. That should help your nerves.”

“He has the best body,” she whispered, blushing.

Jessa laughed. “Keep picturing him naked then. I’m going to grab the gown bag. Strip and jump in the shower. I take it your headache hasn’t come back?”

“No. I feel much better.”

She smiled. “Make sure you tell Maith I’m a good doctor.”

* * * * *

Gnaw had to slow his pace and hide his emotions on his face. All he wanted to do was break into a run, even shift to get to Darla’s cabin, since four legs were faster than two, but he kept in control. Humans stopped talking to each other as he passed small groups of them walking the corridor. Some walked alone but hugged the wall to keep away from him. They all stared. Some even whispered as he passed. He could hear their words.

“What is he doing on this level?”

“I don’t know. Maybe he got a second job in the garden section and is making deliveries?”

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